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平鑫濤於1949年創辦皇冠雜誌社,並於1965年成立皇冠出版社,他秉持明確的出版理念,為達教育、娛樂讀者之目的,同時維持出版社營收於不墜,積極推廣通俗文學。皇冠出版社不僅培育不少台灣作家,也積極譯介國外暢銷作品,對台灣華文以及翻譯文學之貢獻不容小覷。 本論文選用皇冠出版社於戒嚴時期譯介之《羅麗泰》(Lolita)、《紫色姐妹花》(The Color Purple)和《閣樓裡的小花》(Flowers in the Attic)為研究對象,這三部作品的共同點,是其中皆包含露骨的情慾描述以及挑戰社會禁忌的情節。雖然這三本小說後來相當暢銷,但出版時皆一度遭禁。《羅麗泰》勾勒一位有戀童傾向的中年男子與未成年少女的愛慾關係;描述黑人社會的《紫色姐妹花》,書中男性對女性施暴,其中兩位女主角又發展出同性情慾;而《閣樓裡的小花》則是以家族禁忌、兄妹亂倫為主要賣點。透過皇冠出版社譯介,這三部小說跨海來台,在戒嚴法規的壓力與出版社的風格策略操縱下,皆受皇冠編輯團隊與譯者刪改,呈現出與原作相左之風貌。本研究利用文本比對,分析皇冠編輯團隊與譯者對原作進行何種改動,並對原作的形象造成何種影響。此外,本研究也加入半結構性訪談法,訪問曾任職於皇冠出版社的編輯與譯者,釐清皇冠出版社譯介、改動這三本小說的動機。
Crown Magazine and Crown Publishing were established by Mr. Ping Xintao in 1949 and 1965 respectively. To this day, Crown Culture Corporation remains a significant force in the publishing industry in Taiwan. Mr. Ping upheld clear publishing ideals to reach their target readers in education and entertainment. Furthermore, to maintain revenue he actively promoted popular literature, contributing greatly to not only Taiwanese literature but translated literature. This study focuses on three translations published by Crown Publishing during the period martial law in Taiwan; Lolita, The Color Purple, and Flowers in the Attic. All three novels share a commonality of explicit use of language and controversial themes. Although these three novels later became bestsellers, they were once banned in the United States and some European countries. Lolita describes the relationship between an underage girl and a middle-aged man with tendencies of pedophilia. Flowers in the Attic has themes of family taboo and incest. The Color Purple is about black society in the United States. In the novel men are often violent towards women, while the two female leads end up in a homosexual relationship. The three novels garnered much international attention resulting in the controversial works being introduced to Taiwanese readers. Due to the pressures of martial law coupled with stylistic strategies from the publisher, all three novels were heavily edited by the editors/translators with the resulting translations varying greatly from the original texts. Through a comparative textual analysis, this study analyzes the measures taken by the editors/translators to edit the novels. Besides textual analysis, semi-structured interviews were conducted with former editors and translators of Crown Publishing in order to explore their motivations in translating these novels and the reasons behind their manipulations.



文學翻譯, 皇冠出版社, 羅麗泰, 閣樓裡的小花, 紫色姐妹花, literary translation, Crown Publishing, Lolita, Flowers in the Attic, The Color Purple





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