聆聽資優生之生命旋律- 敘說三位青少年於資優教育的學習歷程及創意表現

dc.contributor.authorCHANG, CHUN-YAen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討三位資優生於資優教育的學習歷程及創意表現,希望透過當事者的經驗敘說與研究者的理解與詮釋來瞭解資優生個人因素以及外在環境因素對於學習歷程的交互影響,並呈現他們的困境及迷惘,以及個別的創意表現。本研究採用敘事研究法,以立意取樣方式邀請三位有特殊創意表現的資優生,並利用深度訪談、相關資料文件整理等方法進行資料蒐集,先以故事方式描繪三位資優生的學習經歷,再以生態系統理論分析故事軸線中影響學習歷程的各環節因素,並以創造4P理論檢視其創造力及創意表現。研究發現分成三個部分: 一、影響三位資優生學習歷程的各環節因素,在微系統方面,包括優異的個人能力特質、家庭成員互動良好、以及開明自由的父母教養態度皆有助於學習成效。在中間系統方面,與師長及同儕互動大致良好,唯教師若給予資優標記會造成部分資優生的壓力,資優生個人特質及完美主義也會影響人際關係。在外系統方面,資優課程及教學應更彈性多元,分散式資優班教育的跑班文化會增加學生負擔。在大系統方面,資優生的自我價值觀來自生活經驗以及學習體驗,再加上家人的看法而產生對自己的評價,而社會期望帶給資優生正向方面為比馬龍效應,負向則是資優標記效應,家長適當期待是資優生正向激勵,過高期待則是壓力源。在時間系統方面,部分資優生在進入資優班後需經歷適應期及面對家人對自己的期待與現實生活中學業表現上的差距所產生的挫折感,部分提早入學的資優生會面臨在生活適應、人際互動、動作發展等方面之困擾,若長期受到學業上的挫敗會使其自我概念較消極。 二、三位資優生學習歷程中的困境與迷惘,1.「茫」:資優生在被掌聲和光環圍繞下,對未來生涯的選擇較迷惘;2.「盲」:資優生的光環容易導致自我膨脹以致看不見自己在人際關係上的缺失,而資優生的身分也容易導致只在意分數,而沒有正確的求知精神與學習態度;3.「忙」:資優生被許多課業及課外活動比賽填滿,時間管理規劃成為很大的挑戰。 三、三位資優生的創造力及創意表現,大致擁有創造性人格的多數特質,所處的家庭及學習環境皆能支持他們從事創意相關活動,當面對相關問題也能竭力去進行瞭解及資料蒐集,產生概念,進而運用各種思考方法來解決問題,其作品或成果也符合獨特、新奇的特色。 最後,根據上述研究發現,研究者從教育行政單位、教師、家長及資優生四面向,以及未來研究的可能發展提出相關建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to explore the experience of the learning process and creative performance of the gifted students. With the participants’ narratives and the researcher’s interpretation, the purpose of the study is to apprehend how personal and environmental factors impacted the learning process of the participants and how the participants coped with difficulties, and also their creative performances. Based on the narrative research method, three gifted students with unique creative performances were purposefully selected. The data of this study was principally collected per in-depth interviews and collection of relevant data. Three life stories among learning process were described first, and then the researcher analyzed the factors which influenced their learning process with ecological systems, and their creative performances with creativity 4P theory. The research findings can be summarized into three main categories: 1. The influencing factors of the three gifted students in ecological systems are listed below: In microsystem, outstanding individual abilities and characteristics, well interaction within family members, and open-minded parenting attitudes were beneficial to their learning achievement. In mesosystem, their interaction with teachers and peers were positively confirmed. However, the gifted label given by the teachers resulted in pressure on some gifted students, and the characteristics and perfectionism of the gifted students also impacted their peer relationships. The exosystem, gifted courses should be more open and diverse, and the run class system in distributed gifted education also increased extra burden for the gifted students. In macrosystem, the value of self-worth was constructed by the life and learning experiences, and what their families’ attitude to each gifted individual. Thus, positive social desirability brought in Pygmalion Effect, on the contrary, negative the gifted label effect. In Chronosystem, some gifted students had been through the accommodation period and also faced the frustration upon academic achievement gap since entering the gifted class. In addition, some early-entrance gifted students had been troubled by life adaptation, social interaction, and motor development; Therefore, negative self-concept came from long-term academic frustration experience. 2. The three gifted students faced some difficulties during their learning process. 1) Gifted students were raised and surrounded by praises, and were somehow disoriented while making choicess about the future ; 2) The glory of gifted label causes arrogance and self-conceited; Moreover, gifted students care about the scores more than the thirst for knowledge and the learning attitudes. 3) Gifted students were occupied by homework and extracurricular activities, challenging their time management and organization. 3.The three gifted students own most creative characteristics, their families and learning environment also supported them to do related creative activities, and they tried their best to understand and collect information when facing problems or tasks, thus they applied various thinking methods to solve the problems, ensuing their unique and special creative works. Based on the research findings above, there are recommendations for educational organizations, teachers, parents, gifted students, and further research.en_US
dc.subjectgifted studentsen_US
dc.subjectlearning processen_US
dc.subjectcreative performanceen_US
dc.subjectecological systemsen_US
dc.subjectcreative 4P theoryen_US
dc.subjectnarrative approachen_US
dc.title聆聽資優生之生命旋律- 敘說三位青少年於資優教育的學習歷程及創意表現zh_TW
dc.titleListen to the Rhythem of the Gifted Students: A Narrative of the Learning Process and Creative Performace of the Three Adolescents in Gifted Educationen_US


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