
dc.contributorChang, Chien-Hueyen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Ming-Tsungen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study to explore the adjustments and social supports of college students with deafblindness in their college life. The researcher conducted qualitative research, collecting data through in-depth and semi-structured interview guide. Other data included some IEPs or ISPs, functional vision assessments and reports, reflextive journal, books written by one participant, and TV or newspaper interview videos about few participants.In this study, seven participants with deafblindness and three significant others were invited as the participants. For data analysis, thematic analysis methods were used to analyze data. Finally, codes were merged and induced to themes for answering the research questions.Next, the reseacher discussed the adjustment issues of the seven participants, respectively. And the researcher comprehensively discussed their adjustments in academic learning and interpersonal interactions. The results of this study found that, in order to adjust to their college life, the students need to master the following abilities to: (a) actively ask for help, that is, assertiveness, (b) identify and locate resources, (c) actively track the progress of resource applications, (d) communicate and find adaptation methods in class, and (e) obtain alternative forms of reading materials for class.Additionaly, for the sake of surviving for college life, the students with deafblindness need the abilities to: (a) communicate with lecturers about the alternatives regarding assignments and tests, (b) make good use of the remaining vision and hearing to improve learning efficiency, (c) build reciprocity with classmates and school partners, (d) find group members for collaborating reports, and (e) become a leader in group collaboration. What’s more, the school needs to train peer assistants to improve their professional knowledge for providing assisstances, and make sure the school disability resourse centers hold ISP meetings regularly and provides assistances.In terms of interacting with others, the students need the ability to proactively and inform others of their own conditions and needs earlier. They also need the abilities to: (a) seek assistance in assertive ways, (b) find methods and strategies for good communication with others, and (c) establish a good relationships with classmates.In addition, based on the Ecological System Theory, this research found that individuals with deafblindness, family members (microsytem), friends (mesosytem), the college environments (exosytem) and social systems (macrosytem) are closely and mutually related. For example, family members (microsytem), friends (mesosytem), and colleges (exosytem) can educate students with deafblindness early about their uniqueness and provide positive supports so that they can have a positive and optimistic attitude for appropriate social skills.Based on the results, the researcher also discussed the emotional supports, tangible supports, information supports, and companion supports needed to be provided by family members, teachers, and friends which were required for college students with deafblindness.Based on the results of the study, suggestions were given to the individuals with deafblindness, their families, schools, and the educational administration institutions. The reseacher hopes that the results of this study will be helpful for college students withdeafblindness in adapting to college life. Finally, research limitations and future suggestions were provided.en_US
dc.subjectCollege students with deafblindnessen_US
dc.subjectadjustment to college lifeen_US
dc.subjectsocial supporten_US
dc.subjectqualitative researchen_US
dc.subjectEcological System Theoryen_US
dc.titleA Study to Investigate School Adjustment ofCollege Students with Deafblindnessen_US

