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前言: 運動中穿著運動內衣能有效限制胸部位移,減少胸部運動傷害。提升限制胸部位移的能力:支撐性,是為運動內衣設計的主要目標,但一味的將運動內衣朝緊繃、壓迫靠攏並不是最佳解方。另外,過往運動內衣相關文獻多使用3D動態捕捉系統作為主要實驗儀器,但易受制於實驗式環境,慣性感測器(Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU) 近年來已成為許多研究中常使用的實驗儀器,其方便攜帶與傳輸資料,能在不同的環境下進行實驗,使研究環境更貼近實際情況。目的: 本研究參考過去運動內衣相關文獻,設計出自製運動內衣兼具支撐性與舒適度,並驗證IMU與動態捕捉系統有一致的趨勢。方法: 招募12名女性受試者,進行時速6, 8, 10公里跑,各速度收取穩定30秒。採用3D動態捕捉系統與IMU同時檢測自製與市售運動內衣的限制位移能力表現,並於實驗結束後填寫舒適度問卷。方法: 利用胸部相對於軀幹間相對位移變化量,比較不同運動內衣間位移變化量差異,並呈現舒適度量表。另外,檢視動態捕捉系統與慣性感測器相關性,並計算合加速度MAD作為檢測運動內衣支撐性之加速度參數。結果: 三件運動內衣相對位移變化量於垂直軸、前後向無顯著差異,內外側為無襯<市售<有襯;動態捕捉系統與IMU兩系統於垂直軸相關係數r=0.733,成高度相關。合加速度MAD呈現顯著於市售<有襯<無襯。結論: 自製款運動內衣與市售款有相近限制位移能力,且舒適度較佳。慣性感測器可用於觀察胸部整體晃動程度。合加速度MAD可作為未來檢測運動內衣吸收衝擊力之參數。
Wearing sports bra during exercising would reduce breast movement and preventbreast injuries. The ability of breast movement reduction is so called breast support, which is the main strain of sports bra design. However overly compress breast to reach the goal of reducing movement may cause hardly breathing or chafing injuries and feeling discomfort. How to design a kind of product with support function and comfort is a question. In addition, motion capture system was frequently used to determine the breast movement in most previous studies. Although it could identify breast displacement precisely, equipment and lab environment are still limited. Accelerometer is an alternative approach to conveniently test these characteristics. Take different study as reference to design a sports bra with support and comfort function. And compare the self-design product with brand product, observing the performance of the self-design product. Also, to assess the correlation between motion capture system and accelerometer of breast movement during different speeds running while wearing sports bra. Resultant MAD of acceleration were calculated for the difference of vibration during dynamic state. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated to establish the relationships among breast displacement and acceleration. Self-design product got less displacement in Medial-Lateral axis and more comfort score. R value of Pearson’s coefficients is 0.733, high correlation. Resultant MAD of acceleration is higher in self-design (no-paded). Self- design products are more comfort and with well function .MAD could be a new factor of detecting the function of absorbing impact from sports bra.



運動裝備, 加速度, sport equipment, acceleration





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