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我國教育人員之運動教練任用制度探討 完成年月:2008年6月 研 究 生:許馨文 指導教授:陳 鴻 中文摘要 本研究旨在探討我國教育人員之運動教練任用制度,從質性研究觀點,分析比較各國教練養成制度,進而探討我國教育人員之運動教練任用相關法令規章、運動教練角色定位、運動教練聘任制度及運動教練績效考核制度等議題,以了解運動教練制度之內涵,及其影響因素與相關競合問題。本研究採用文獻分析法,並以73年起政府實施專任教練制度後至97年5月止,所衍生的政策、法規、論文、研究報告為研究範圍,經分析討論後所得結論如下: 一、我國3級教練制度培訓課程內容,只依運動項目特性來實施不同的專項運動技能與技術,以及專業知識、知能等課程。相較於各國運動教練養成,我國運動教練培訓課程的質與量,顯然有很大落差。 二、運動教練訂立在國民體育法,並無單獨之母法,其所依循之法規,皆為授權法,且依附在教育人員任用條例之中,由於法制的不完備,導致運動教練制度實施23年,大量的專任教練人才流失。 三、運動教練在學校應扮演的角色為配合學校運動發展,負責學校運動團隊組訓、參賽及輔導,並參與學校體育活動及會議,同時協助地方運動訓練及發展事項。 四、基於國家政策,運動教練之待遇薪資本俸起薪基準已優於教師,退休、撫卹、離職、資遣等事項,與教師或職員相同,權益保障已有所平衡。 五、運動教練之績效考核,分為「訓練或指導績效」及「年度成績考核」2類,其中訓練或指導績效,在高中、國中、國小均訂定國內外競賽成績給分較高,發掘、培育、輸送運動選手給分過低,對於各運動種類發展生態、運動選手的培育過程重視程度,有待改善。
A STUDY ON STAFFING POLICIES OF SPORTS COACHES IN NATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM Date: June, 2008 Student: Hsin-Wen Hsu Adviser: Hung Chen ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was aimed to explore the staffing policies of sports coaches as faculty in the national education system. The study used the qualitative research methods by comparing the systems of sports coaches developing among different countries. In order to identify the associations among the coaching systems, the effects and causes of the systems, and the convergence and synergy, the study explored the national policies and regulations related to staffing sports coaches as faculty, the roles of coaches, and the recruiting and performance evaluation of sports coaches.. The study reviewed literatures and analyzed the policies and regulations, scientific research, and reports generated and produced between 1985, when the government enforced the system of staffing full-time coaches, to May 2008. The study concluded as follows: 1. Among the systems of sports coaches developing in all the countries covered in this study, there are no significant differences in the contents of training programs of tertiary coaching system between our country and the others. The slightly differences are in applying and implementing various courses on skills and techniques of specific sports with expertise and advancement courses according to types of sports. Notwithstanding the program mentioned above, there is a big difference on the quality and quantity of our national coaching program,. 2. The staffing policies of sports coaches have been enforced for over 23 years, but the associated personnel regulations were not so immaculate which resulted in to lose the majority of full-time coaches within the system. As there is no legal institution on sports coaches, the rules and regulations relating to sports coaches are integral part of the National Sports Law and of the Statutes on the Staffing of Teaching faculty. 3. The roles of sports coaches in school systems are supporting the development of the sports, being held accountable for forming sports teams, training and participating in competitions, as well as coaching. The coaches are also required to be responsible in all physical education activities/events and related meetings, so as to assist with local sports training and development. 4. Within the context of the national policies, the sports coaches will be playing an important role in the school systems. The base salary of coaches has been higher than other faculty members, and the pension, relief, turnover, and severance pay are at a similar level to other faculty. 5. The performance evaluations of sports coaches are based on two categories, namely “effectiveness of training and coaching” and “yearly performance evaluation”, of which the effectiveness on the performance of competitions at international games is scored better in senior, junior and elementary schools, while the evaluation in respect of talent identification, athlete training and transference is scored low. In consequence, the development of various sports and the fostering of elite athletes are required to be improved. Key words: teaching faculty, full-time coach, sport coach



運動教練, 專任教練, 教育人員





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