

本研究旨在探討對閱讀困難國小學生有助益之易被操作之文本調整技術的影響,本研究內共分三個研究,研究一主要是探討以非常用字比率與句長調整文本對四年級普通學生的影響,研究一對象是以立意取樣的方式,從台北縣兩所國小的四年級中各選取三班,共206人。研究一為:3(非常用字比率)×2(句長)二因子實驗設計,主要是將不同常用字比率與句長交由普通學生閱讀,測量他們的閱讀速度,於受試者閱讀後回答十題的閱讀理解測驗,並將實驗結果利用二因子變異係數分析進行統計考驗。結果一未發現字的難度和句長對文本可讀性有影響。 因為根據研究一可以發現,非常用字比率調整文本的研究結果與研究假設不合,且從文獻中肯定綜合型文本調整技術調整文本的成效,故以常用字的比率結合縮短文長之簡易綜合型文本調整技術。研究二分成兩個研究,分別是研究2-1與研究2-2。 研究2-1主要是探討綜合型文調整技術對閱讀困難學生的成效。研究2-1的實驗選取二名閱讀理解困難個案,而經測驗後亦可將這兩名個案分為有閱讀困難的優聽與優讀型。研究2-1採單一受試法之「交替處理實驗設計的研究」的研究設計,而綜合型文本調整技術是以縮短全文本的總字數與降低全文非常用字於文中的比率方式進行調整,並藉由甲乙兩名個案在閱讀理解測驗、故事重述架構表、故事重述內容品質評分表及學習態度與感受問卷中的得分,了解個案於不同文本中的成效。從研究2-1發現: 一、二名閱讀困難學生在閱讀理解測驗、故事重述架構表、故事重述內容品質評分表及學生的學習態度與感受這幾部分的得分,閱讀調整讀本優於原文本。 二、優讀型學習困難學生於閱讀綜合型調整技術調整的文本後,在故事重述結構完整性與故事內容品質兩項表現,優於優聽型閱讀困難學生。 研究2-2主要是探討綜合型文本調整技術對四年級普通學生的成效,而研究2-2採實驗設計,且研究2-2是依照受試者於閱讀理解測驗與學習態度與感受問卷中得分,利用t考驗以了解調整文本與原文本間是否有顯著差異。根據研究2-2可以發現普通學生閱讀利用綜合型文本調整技術調整的文本與原文本間無顯著不同。故根據研究二,更可確定綜合文本調整技術對優讀型閱讀困難學生的助益更大。 綜合上述二個研究所得,在符合學生識字量條件下,文本中非常用字比率會影響學生的閱讀理解成效,簡易的綜合文本調整技術,對閱讀理解困難的學生的閱 讀理解有助益。
The purpose of the study was to explore the effects of adapted texts on elementary students with reading difficulties. Three studies were conducted as the following to achieve different goals: The first study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the frequency of unfamiliar words and the length of the sentences of the context upon fourth-grade students. There were 206 students from 3 fourth-grade classes of two elementary schools in Taipei county participating the study. The study was designed as 3 (Frequency of unfamiliar words) X 2 (Length of the sentences) experiment. All the students read the texts with different frequency of unfamiliar words and length of the sentences which serve as 36 different forms of texts. Ten reading comprehension questions were asked to answer by students according to the test they read. The result of adapted text did not show the significant difference among the texts. After review the result, the researcher keep the frequency of unfamiliar words for the further study to company with other adapted strategy which is consider to be replicated easily. The second study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the frequency of unfamiliar words combining with reduce the length of test. The first experiment of the study was taken in two students with reading difficulties by the alternative treatment design of single-subject design. Two subjects read two stories with two adapted form alternatively and were asked to answer reading comprehension test, to re-tell story, and to be check the attitude towards the study. Both students with reading difficulties scored better and improved in reading comprehension test, story retelling structure, the quality of story retelling and attitude towards study. Adapted texts worked better than original texts. And the visual-dominant students with reading difficulties benefit more from adapted text than auditory-dominant students with reading difficulties. To confirm the effectiveness of the new combining adapted text 3 which found in the first experiment, the 2nd experiment was conduct to investigate the effect of combing adapted texts upon normal fourth-grade students by the experimental design. The reading comprehension tests and attitude towards study were administrated to collect data. However, no significant differences between adapted texts and original texts was found. To conclude the results of the study 1 and 2, the frequency of unfamiliar words in texts will affect students’ reading comprehension abilities on the basis of the real estimate of size of students’ characters. Further research and practical issues are recommended according to the aforementioned result.



文本可讀性, 文本調整技術, 閱讀困難學生, 非常用字比率, 句長, 故事重述, readability of texts, test adaptation, frequency of unfamiliar words, students with reading difficulties, length of the sentences, story retelling





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