
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討臺北縣、市特殊教育教師人格特質與工作滿意度之關係,採用心理功能傾向與工作滿意度兩份問卷對240位教師進行調查。運用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、集群分析等統計分析資料。獲致結果如下: 一、 特殊教育教師人格特質與工作滿意度的現況。 (一)人格特質 臺北縣、市國小特殊教育教師不論是整體或分成身障類與資優類教師皆偏向「內向性格、知覺求證、理性思考、領悟理解」(ISTP)。(二)工作滿意度 臺北縣、市國小特殊教育教師所感受工作滿意度為中等程度,其平均數得分由高到低依序是人際關係、教學工作、進修狀況、工作環境、工作報酬、學校行政。身障類教師所感受工作滿意度為中等程度,其平均數得分由高到低依序是人際關係、教學工作、進修狀況、工作環境、學校行政、工作報酬。資優類教師所感受工作滿意度為中等程度,其平均數得分由高到低依序是教學工作、人際關係、進修狀況、工作報酬、工作環境、學校行政。 二、 特殊教育身障類與資優類教師之人格特質與工作滿意度之差異。 (一)人格特質差異分析 臺北縣、市國小身障類與資優類教師僅在規劃歷程推理向度(實證判斷/領悟理解)上達顯著差異。 (二)身障類與資優類教師人格特質集群分析之差異 身障類教師可分成兩種人格類型「內向性格、直覺認知、理性思考、領悟理解」(INTP)與「內向性格、知覺求證、理性思考、實證判斷」(ISTJ)。資優類教師可分成四種人格類型「外向性格、知覺求證、理性思考、實證判斷」(ESTJ)、「內向性格、知覺求證、理性思考、領悟理解」(ISTP)、「內向性格、直覺認知、理性思考、領悟理解」(INTP)以及「內向性格、直覺認知、感性訴求、領悟理解」(INFP)。 (三)身障類與資優類教師工作滿意度之差異 整體工作滿意度身障類與資優類教師僅在學校行政與教學工作上達顯著差異,其餘四個層面與整體工作滿意度上未達顯著差異。 三、特殊教育身障類與資優類教師之人格特質與工作滿意度的關係。 (一)人格特質各向度與工作滿意度之關係 群體關係定位(外向性格/內向性格)與學校行政、教學工作、人際關係、進修狀況、整體工作滿意度達到顯著正相關。訊息處理模式(知覺求證/直覺認知)與教學工作、人際關係、進修狀況、整體工作滿意度達到顯著正相關。判斷思考原則(理性思考/感性訴求)與教學工作、人際關係、整體工作滿意度達到顯著正相關。規劃歷程推理(實證判斷/領悟理解)僅與人際關係達到顯著正相關。 (二)不同人格類型在工作滿意度各層面之考驗 ISTJ型身障類教師在工作滿意度各層面滿意度大都高於INTP型身障類教師。INTP型資優類教師在工作滿意度於教學工作和人際關係層面滿意度皆高於ESTJ型與INFP型,而ISTP型資優類教師各層面皆偏向尚可,其考驗未達顯著。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between personality types and job satisfaction of the elementary school teachers in Taipei City and Taipei County. The study was made to assess how teacher’s different positions effects their feeling about personality types and job satisfaction. The research tool was used in this study was questionnaire about the “Psychological Types Questionnaire” and “Job Satisfaction Questionnaire”. The members of this study consisted of talented and special education teachers in public elementary schools in Taipei City and Taipei County. 321 copies of the questionnaire were sent out to the teachers and 240 copies were effective returned. The availability rate was 74.8%. The data obtained was tested by Descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, K-Means Cluster and Scheff’e method. Following were the results: 1. Current situation of teachers’ personality types and job satisfaction. (1) Teachers’ personality types were ISTP, no matter what kind of teachers‘ position. (2) The job satisfaction degree of teachers was middle. The most satisfaction was human relationship, and the least satisfaction was school executives. The job satisfaction degree of special education teachers was middle. The most satisfaction was human relationship, and the least satisfaction was salaries. The job satisfaction degree of talented education teachers was middle. The most satisfaction was human relationship, and the least satisfaction was work of teaching. 2. In the personality types and job satisfaction examination of teachers’ position. (1) According to the personality types of special and talented education teachers, there were only significant difference on “Judging/ Perceptiving”. (2) The results of cluster analysis showed two personality types among special education teachers, which were INTP and ISTJ. The results of cluster analysis showed four personality types among talented education teachers, which were ESTJ, ISTP, INTP, and INFP. (3) According to the personality types of special and talented education teachers, there were significant difference on work of teaching and school executives. 3. Correlation between personality types and job satisfaction. (1) There was significant positive correlation between personality types and job satisfaction. When personality type tended to ESTJ, the job satisfaction degree were high. (2) The ISTJ type of special education teachers’ job satisfaction degree was higher than the INTP type of teachers. The INTP type of talented education teachers’ job satisfaction degree was higher than the others.en_US
dc.subjectPersonality Typeen_US
dc.subjectJob satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectSpecial education teacheren_US
dc.titleA Study of Correlation between Personality Types and Job Satisfaction of the Elementary School Special Teachersen_US

