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Department of Chinese, NTNU
Department of Chinese, NTNU
賦體發展至唐代,有其既定的格律,依齊梁諸人四聲八病的聲律之風,符合「若前有浮聲,則後須切響,一簡之內,音韻盡殊,兩句之中,輕重悉異」的構句方式,加以徐陵、庾信的隔句作對之習,依賦家各人的博識熔鑄經語,用於場屋之上,形成了形式特殊的「律賦」。 雖然賦律是科舉必備科目,但專此文體的人數並不多,多是利祿所趨,不得不為。依趙璘《因話錄》所言:「李相國程、王僕射起、白少傅居易兄弟、張舍人仲素,為場中詞賦之最,言程式者,宗此五人。」此五人都是中唐人,當是中唐律賦名家,尤其李程、王起更是專擅此體。李程現存律賦二十五篇,其個性滑稽善謔,賦作風格卻是典博雅正,冠冕堂正,頗具大家之風。 本文專就李程賦作的形式技巧為探討主體,分別就破題立意、烹鍊經語、平仄聲病三方面著手,試圖在李程律賦的全面觀照下,藉由表格化、類型化的分類剖析,為這名中唐律賦名手的形式技巧,梳理出李程個人賦風的形式手法,或能為中唐律賦開啟一些研究觀點。
Having developed to Tang Dynasty, the decorum for the formation of Fu is estabLeeshed. With the fusion of the rhyming rules of the critics in Chi and Leeang Dynasty, Shu-Leen's and Yu-Shin's rules of sentence formation in Fu, and the writing techniques for Fu of Tang's Fu writers, the unique “Lue Fu” is formed and turns to be a subject in Tang's official exam. Though Lue Fu is necessary in Tang's official exam, the writers speciaLeezed in this genre are small in number. Most of them write Fu based on the charm of benefit. Referring to Chao-Leen's Yin Hwa Lu, the top five Fu writers are as following: Lee-Chen, Wang-Chi, Bai Ju-Yie and his brother, and Chang Chon-Su. The five excellent Fu writers, all Mid-Tang people, serve as the norm for the future Fu learners. Among the five, Lee-Chen and Wang-Chi are speciaLeezed in writing Lue Fu. Lee is a man with humorous and carefree characters. However, his Fu style is serious, formal and follows the decorum for writing Fu. The number of Lee's existent Lue Fu works is twenty-five. The article explores the writing skills of Lee-Chen through three aspects-the explanation of topic, the citation of masterpieces, and the use of rhyme and rhythm. With the use of tables and categories, Lee's writing skills of Fu are clearly revealed.
Having developed to Tang Dynasty, the decorum for the formation of Fu is estabLeeshed. With the fusion of the rhyming rules of the critics in Chi and Leeang Dynasty, Shu-Leen's and Yu-Shin's rules of sentence formation in Fu, and the writing techniques for Fu of Tang's Fu writers, the unique “Lue Fu” is formed and turns to be a subject in Tang's official exam. Though Lue Fu is necessary in Tang's official exam, the writers speciaLeezed in this genre are small in number. Most of them write Fu based on the charm of benefit. Referring to Chao-Leen's Yin Hwa Lu, the top five Fu writers are as following: Lee-Chen, Wang-Chi, Bai Ju-Yie and his brother, and Chang Chon-Su. The five excellent Fu writers, all Mid-Tang people, serve as the norm for the future Fu learners. Among the five, Lee-Chen and Wang-Chi are speciaLeezed in writing Lue Fu. Lee is a man with humorous and carefree characters. However, his Fu style is serious, formal and follows the decorum for writing Fu. The number of Lee's existent Lue Fu works is twenty-five. The article explores the writing skills of Lee-Chen through three aspects-the explanation of topic, the citation of masterpieces, and the use of rhyme and rhythm. With the use of tables and categories, Lee's writing skills of Fu are clearly revealed.