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網路模因在近幾年來的研究數量逐漸增加,然而翻譯在網路模因的傳遞中所扮演的角色仍然是較少受到研究關注的議題,因此本論文以網路模因與翻譯為核心,藉由分析經翻譯網路語言和網路圖片,探討網路模因與翻譯之間的關聯,並檢視網路模因經翻譯後替目標語文化所帶來的影響。 研究發現,經翻譯後的網路流行語和網路圖片在目標語文化帶來下列影響:一、翻譯能見度提高─就網路流行語來看,現在有些網站會記錄詞語是從何處翻譯而來,也有網路使用者討論翻譯使用網路流行語的情形;就網路圖片而言,譯者的署名、譯註、評論皆使翻譯的能見度提高,譯者與讀者的互動亦是如此。二、發展出具有在地化特色的衍生作品─網路使用者透過轉變詞性、和其他中文詞語結合等方法,將譯自其他語言的網路流行語發展出具在地特色的用法;網路圖片則是因為譯者翻譯時改編形式,而衍生出在地化的翻譯圖片形式。三、無論是網路流行語或網路圖片,經翻譯後其衍生用法或作品仍符合網路互動的潛規則。 由此可見翻譯在網路模因的傳遞中所扮演的角色,是將網路用語以及圖片形式引進的仲介,但譯者和網路使用者的改編與衍生用法,讓翻譯模因有了在地化色彩,這些改編與衍生用法不只符合目標語的溝通規範,也同時遵循網路模因的結構與網路文化的潛規則。
The number of studies on Internet memes has been increasing in recent years. Although there are various themes in this field, studies on the relationship between translation and Internet memes are relatively few. This study has two objectives: (1) exploring the relationship between translation and Internet memes by analyzing translated Internet buzzword and image memes; (2) discussing what influences these translated memes have brought to the target culture. Translated Internet buzzword and image memes have brought about the following influences. First, the visibility of translation has been increased in several ways: websites that record the origin of translated buzzwords, discussion about translation, as well as the signatures, footnotes, and comments of translators. Second, localized derivative works have been developed. As for translated buzzwords, netizens have developed localized usage of translated buzzwords by changing part of speech or combining buzzwords with other Chinese words. As to image memes, translators have adapted the form when translated. Third, the derivative works are still conformed to the shared value of online interaction and communication norm. Via translation, new internet buzzwords and the form of images are introduced to Taiwan’s net culture. Although translated Internet memes have become localized through the process of translation and adaptation, they still follow the rules of net culture and norms in target language.



網路模因, 翻譯模因, 在地化, 社群媒體, 翻譯策略, internet memes, translated memes, localization, social media, translation strategies





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