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近年永續飲食 (food sustainability) 引起使用手機應用程式剩食再分配 (food surplus redistribution) 的關注,本研究的主要目的是以社會心理學的集體行動社會認同模型(Social Identity Model of Collective Action, SIMCA) 為理論基礎,選擇臺灣剩食再分配手機應用程式Tasteme作為個案,探討剩食之種類以及分析剩食再分配手機應用程式創業者、中小型餐飲服務提供者和消費者使用剩食再分配手機應用程式的動機和障礙。此質性研究方法分為兩大部分: Tasteme開發創業者和中小型餐飲服務提供者進行九場半結構式深度訪談及進行三場消費者焦點團體訪談。研究結果: (一) 剩食經烹調後可分為兩大類型:易腐壞食物 (perishable food) 及即將到期食物 (soon-to-expire food); (二) Tasteme手機應用程式創業者參與剩食再分配的主要動機為惜食節儉道德觀、餐飲業認同感及高效達成惜食目標,而最大障礙為餐飲服務業者對使用手機應用程式售賣剩食持保守態度; (三) 餐飲服務提供者的主要動機是惜食道德觀、能補助食物成本及增加所得,障礙是耗時等候消費者取餐; (四) 受到朋輩影響、惜食道德觀及節儉省錢是消費者的主要動機,障礙是剩食種類貧乏、追求個人需求、耗時等候取餐及食安風險。實務建議包括創造永續剩食互動互助社群、手機應用程式設計者與科技專才合作改善應用程式功能如提供付款選擇及通訊功能、加強公眾及餐飲服務業者的永續惜食教育及剩食儲存管理知識、邀請各類餐飲業者合作以擴闊剩食的種類,從而加強消費者購買剩食的意願,吸引更多人使用手機應用程式參與剩食再分配,達至推廣惜食剩食消費模式從而減少浪費食物製造污染,達至永續環保。
Redistributing food surplus through mobile applications has become increasingly popular in promoting food sustainability. This study employed a qualitative case study research approach. Tasteme, the first surplus food mobile application (app) in Taiwan, was selected as a case for in-depth investigation. The main purpose of this study was to review the types of food surplus using the mobile app and to explore the motivations and barriers of different stakeholders (‘food savers’), including a food surplus mobile app’s founder, food service providers, and consumers. The Social Identity Model of Collective Action (SIMCA) was adopted to guide this study. Three focus group interviews with customers and nine semi-structured in-depth interviews with food service providers and the app founder were conducted. The findings unveiled that food surplus can be categorized into two main types: perishable food and soon-to-expire food. The main motivations of the app founder were emotions of discarding food, group identity, and instrumentality, together with conservatives as barriers. Financial effectiveness and emotions of cherishing food were the primary motivations for food service providers, while time cost was a key barrier for them. Social influence, emotions of cherishing food, and saving money were powerful motivations for customers. However, customers faced barriers, including limited food options, time costs, and food safety risks. This study suggests establishing a social network or virtual food sustainability community, designing apps with flexible payment options and instant messaging, partnering with various food service providers, and promoting education on food sustainability to encourage food surplus consumption.



剩食, 剩食再分配, 手機應用程式, 永續飲食, 動機和障礙, food surplus, food surplus redistribution, mobile application, food sustainability, motivation and barrier, Tasteme





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