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語言和溝通能力缺陷或遲緩是自閉症者的明顯特徵,導致他們在與他人進行溝通時產生嚴重的困難。輔助溝通(augmentative& alternative communication, AAC)可提供一個有效的管道,有助於自閉症者藉此與外界進行溝通及表達自我需求。
語音輸出溝通裝置(voice output communication aids, VOCA)是AAC 之中一種便利的電子化裝置,可產生文字圖片或聲音的輸出,讓使用者可以藉由手指點選、按壓特殊開關等操作方式與他人進行溝通。
本研究之研究對象為一名15 歲9 個月女性及一名14 歲3 個月男性,皆為低口語自閉症者,採取單一受試研究法之跨行為多基線設計,探討以攜帶式的語音輸出溝通裝置(微電腦語音溝通板)介入溝通教學後,研究對象以溝通板表達自我需求、學習互動、人際互動三類溝通行為之成效,並記錄研究對象之溝通次數與溝通熟練程度加以分析比較,整合量化資料與質性資料獲致綜合結論。
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of using portable voice output communication aids (VOCA) to teach two low-verbal junior high school students with autism to learn communication behaviors. People with autism have obvious delay in language and communication skills, which causing them to communicate with others in serious difficulties. Augmentative& alternative communication (AAC) provides effective ways to help people with autism to communicate with the outside world and to request their needs. VOCA is one kind electronic device of AAC which can output words, pictures and voices for users to communicate with others by it through fingers clicking, special switch pushing, etc. Participants in the study are both low-verbal students with autism, which are 14 years 9 months female and 13 years 4 months male. Effects of the intervention wereevaluated in a multiple-baseline design across behaviors; we taught both students to learn using the portable VOCAs (communication boards) to present self-demand, learning interaction and social interaction, then analyzed the times and level of these behaviors, and integrated quantitative and qualitative data into a conclusion. The result of study shows: (1) The number of times and level that the participants presented self-demand by VOCAs increase; (2) The number of times and level that the participants presented learning interaction by VOCAs increase; (3) The number of level that the participants presented social interaction by VOCAs increase, but the number of times does not increase much; (4) The number of times of participants’ original communication behaviors which by hands does not change much; (5) Patriarchs and teachers of participants are roughly satisfied with the effects of the intervention. Finally, according to the research results, we provide some suggestions of VOCAs intervention for people with autism.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of using portable voice output communication aids (VOCA) to teach two low-verbal junior high school students with autism to learn communication behaviors. People with autism have obvious delay in language and communication skills, which causing them to communicate with others in serious difficulties. Augmentative& alternative communication (AAC) provides effective ways to help people with autism to communicate with the outside world and to request their needs. VOCA is one kind electronic device of AAC which can output words, pictures and voices for users to communicate with others by it through fingers clicking, special switch pushing, etc. Participants in the study are both low-verbal students with autism, which are 14 years 9 months female and 13 years 4 months male. Effects of the intervention wereevaluated in a multiple-baseline design across behaviors; we taught both students to learn using the portable VOCAs (communication boards) to present self-demand, learning interaction and social interaction, then analyzed the times and level of these behaviors, and integrated quantitative and qualitative data into a conclusion. The result of study shows: (1) The number of times and level that the participants presented self-demand by VOCAs increase; (2) The number of times and level that the participants presented learning interaction by VOCAs increase; (3) The number of level that the participants presented social interaction by VOCAs increase, but the number of times does not increase much; (4) The number of times of participants’ original communication behaviors which by hands does not change much; (5) Patriarchs and teachers of participants are roughly satisfied with the effects of the intervention. Finally, according to the research results, we provide some suggestions of VOCAs intervention for people with autism.
自閉症, 溝通行為, 語音輸出溝通裝置, 輔助溝通, 溝通板, Autism, communication behavior, augmentative & alternative communication (AAC), voice output communication aids (VOCA), communication board