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跨語言影響(Cross Linguistic Influence, CLI)是指某語言影響另一個語言產出,可橫跨不同的語言子系統,也稱為遷移。而翻譯需具備兩種以上的語言能力,熟稔不同語言的轉換遷移方式,因此廣泛應用在語言習得的跨語言影響理論,應能提供翻譯學習研究脈絡。然而過去鮮少將此理論應用於翻譯研究,更少聚焦翻譯逆向遷移的討論,故本研究探討非母語源語對學生母語為譯入語的逆向遷移影響,分成詞彙及篇章兩個面向,透過討論語言表徵遷移軌跡,進一步解釋特定語言差異造成翻譯學習困難之處。詞彙研究部份,採用詞彙語言學四種詞彙意義分類;篇章研究部份,從功能語法討論語言類型開始,輔以過去中文功能篇章語法研究基礎,再依系統功能語法的篇章結構性及非結構性資源,探討中英差異及遷移造成的譯文問題,同時對應多語習得相關研究,主要發現如下:首先,標意詞目學習固化遷移造成學生翻譯詞彙的困難,從真正讀懂文字到翻譯都可能受過去學習習慣影響,學生常忽略英文詞彙的「概念」,僅擷取中文詞目表徵解釋,以中文意合的方式閱讀英文,更將詞目遷移譯入不適合的目標語語境。結合過去多語詞彙實驗所推演的詞彙存取模式,本研究推論有四種可能的翻譯詞彙存取路徑。第二,學生譯文的篇章發展明顯將英文的篇章銜接邏輯遷移到中文篇章發展中,以英文句子為翻譯單位,照原文的謀篇方式書寫中文,如將原文指代和連接遷移到中文篇章,有時候還會額外添加原文沒有的指代和連接詞語,將英文主謂的概念遷移到中文。此外,中文的詞彙語義會影響篇章,英文結構影響用字的遷移情況,如「be動詞」翻譯成「是…的」或「…的是」中文強調句,會造成中英文篇章不對等問題。從遷移的角度觀察,學生理解英文時,常以中文理解篇章的方式閱讀,此現象為母語順向遷移;反之產出譯文時,卻又受到源語詞彙及篇章影響,產生逆向遷移現象。由此可見,遷移並不是固定、單向發展,若要更深入了解跨語言影響,也要了解第二語對第一語造成的影響。此外,考量詞彙及篇章知識涉及諸多層面,語言學習時所訓練的詞彙提取使用方式會造成翻譯用詞難解及轉換固化,翻譯學習應由下而上,加深詞彙概念廣度與深度,也應由上而下學習語言結構及背景文化差異之處。翻譯教學應用上,應納入中英篇章邏輯及轉換概念,讓學生更了解語言結構不同之處,提升語言後設認知覺識。
Cross-Linguistic Influence(CLI), or transfer, refers to the impact of one language on another during language acquisition. Despite its foundational importance in language acquisition theories, CLI remains underexplored in translation studies, especially regarding reverse transfer. This study investigates reverse transfer in translation by examining how non-native source language influences affect students' proficiency in translating into their mother tongue. Employing contrastive analysis with functional grammar, the study aims to dissect the trajectory of language transfer, pinpointing specific linguistic disparities that hinder translation and learning processes. The study employs a lexical semantics framework to analyze challenges in translating vocabulary. It finds that entrenched lexical learning transfer complicates students' translation of vocabulary, often leading to inaccuracies due tooverlooking nuanced semantic differences between English and Chinese words. Drawing from multilingual vocabulary experiments, a model comprising four routes for accessing translation vocabulary is proposed.In discourse analysis, functional grammar and systematic discourse frameworks, supported by previous research in Chinese functional discourse grammar, are employed to explore how differences in Chinese and English discourse contribute to translation issues from transfer effects. The findings reveal that English discourse logic is directly transposed into Chinese constructions during translation, sentence by sentence, with added references and conjunctions from the English text. This inadvertently transfers English subject-predicate concepts into Chinese, sometimes using unnecessary cohesion devices. Chinese semantic nuances and English structural elements further complicate word transfers, posing challenges to achieving equivalence and natural flow in translated texts.Given the complexity of vocabulary and discourse knowledge, training in language learning impacts translation word choice and solidifies translation processes. Effective translation learning should thus encompass foundational vocabulary concepts and deepen understanding of language structures with metalanguage awareness of translation.
Cross-Linguistic Influence(CLI), or transfer, refers to the impact of one language on another during language acquisition. Despite its foundational importance in language acquisition theories, CLI remains underexplored in translation studies, especially regarding reverse transfer. This study investigates reverse transfer in translation by examining how non-native source language influences affect students' proficiency in translating into their mother tongue. Employing contrastive analysis with functional grammar, the study aims to dissect the trajectory of language transfer, pinpointing specific linguistic disparities that hinder translation and learning processes. The study employs a lexical semantics framework to analyze challenges in translating vocabulary. It finds that entrenched lexical learning transfer complicates students' translation of vocabulary, often leading to inaccuracies due tooverlooking nuanced semantic differences between English and Chinese words. Drawing from multilingual vocabulary experiments, a model comprising four routes for accessing translation vocabulary is proposed.In discourse analysis, functional grammar and systematic discourse frameworks, supported by previous research in Chinese functional discourse grammar, are employed to explore how differences in Chinese and English discourse contribute to translation issues from transfer effects. The findings reveal that English discourse logic is directly transposed into Chinese constructions during translation, sentence by sentence, with added references and conjunctions from the English text. This inadvertently transfers English subject-predicate concepts into Chinese, sometimes using unnecessary cohesion devices. Chinese semantic nuances and English structural elements further complicate word transfers, posing challenges to achieving equivalence and natural flow in translated texts.Given the complexity of vocabulary and discourse knowledge, training in language learning impacts translation word choice and solidifies translation processes. Effective translation learning should thus encompass foundational vocabulary concepts and deepen understanding of language structures with metalanguage awareness of translation.
跨語言影響, 逆向遷移, 篇章翻譯, 詞彙意義, 對比分析, 翻譯教學, cross-linguistic influence, reverse transfer, discourse translation, lexical semantics, contrastive analysis, translation teaching