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心智圖法融入英語閱讀教學對國中學生學業成就與學習態度之影響 摘要   本研究之目的是設計一套適合國中學生之「心智圖法融入英語閱讀教學」,探究其對國中九年級學生在英語學業成就和英語學習態度的影響。   本研究採不等組前後測之準實驗設計,研究對象為新北市雙溪高中國中部九年級學生,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。實驗組進行為期九週、共計二十八節課的心智圖法融入英語閱讀教學;控制組則實施一般傳統教學。研究工具包含「國中學生英語科學習態度調查表(吳金蓮,1990)」、「英語科段考測驗」、「教師教學省思單」和「學生學習回饋單」。量化資料將以單因子共變數分析和相依樣本t檢驗分析,質性資料將由研究者歸納整理。   根據研究結果,本研究結論如下: 一、心智圖法融入英語閱讀教學能有效提升學生之英語學業成就。 二、心智圖法融入英語閱讀教學未能提升學生之英語學習態度。 三、透過學生學習回饋單瞭解多數學生對心智圖法融入教學多持正向的態度。 四、小組合作心智圖優於個人心智圖,尤其在廣度、圖像和符號有顯著差異。 最後,根據研究結論,針對課程、教學和研究三方面提出若干建議,以供實施心智圖法融入教學者及後續研究者之參考。
The Influence of English Reading Instruction on Junior High School Students' Academic Achievements and Learning Attitudes Abstract The purpose of the study was to design a suitable English Reading instruction for the junior high school students and to investigate the influence on academic achievements and learning attitudes of the students. The study adopted nonequivalent pretest-posttest as the research pattern. The subjects were selected from the researcher’s ninth-grade classes. The students were divided into the experiment group which accepted 9 weeks, totally 28 classes of the English Reading Instruction in Mind Mapping and the control group which took the general instruction. The study tools consisted of “English learning attitude scale on junior high school students” which is edited by吳金蓮in 1990, “English monthly test”, teacher’s reflective journals and students’ feedbacks. All the quantitative data are analyzed through one-way ANCOVA and Paired Samples Test. According to the results of the study, the conclusions are as follows: 1. English reading instruction in mind mapping promote students’ English academic achievements effectively. 2. English reading instruction in mind mapping can’t promote students’ English learning attitudes effectively. 3. Most Students have positive attitudes toward English reading program in mind mapping according to students’ feedbacks. 4. Mind mappings by groups are superior to the ones by individual, especially in breadth, images and signs. Based on the research conclusion, suggestions are given on courses, teaching and researches and may serve as further references for teachers and researchers.



心智圖法, 英語閱讀教學, 學業成就, 學習態度, mind mapping, English reading instruction, academic achievements, learning attitudes





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