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隨波,不逐流─ 五位優秀社經地位不利高中生的成長經驗分析 摘要 本研究目的在探討優秀社經地位不利高中生的成長經驗。透過社經 地位不利高中生自我成長經歷的敘說重現其成長背景及歷程;並探討其 「自我概念」、「家庭關係」、「求學歷程」、「社會互動」與「生涯選擇」 等面向發展。本研究共有五位研究參與者,以研究者參與中華資優教育學會與摩根士丹利公司共同辦理之第四屆「惜才育英」計畫所輔導五名 來自臺灣不同縣市的優秀社經地位不利高中生進行探究。本研究採用敘 事研究中「整體─內容」及「類別─內容」模式進行資料分析,以前者 進行研究參與者成長歷程之整體脈絡檢視;佐以後者針對研究參與者成 長歷程中不同向度進行分析,以跨個案整合分析的方式歸納出這五位優 秀社經地位不利高中生的成長脈動。 研究結果分為兩層次撰寫,第一部分針對不同研究參與者個別進行成長經驗之分析與探討,照見五位研究參與者相異的成長脈絡與歷程中交織而成的發展影響因素;第二部分進入「自我概念」、「家庭關係」、「求 學歷程」、「社會互動」與「生涯選擇」五向度的跨個案分析與討論。研究參與者的成長經歷因個體差異而有所不同,但整體而言可以下列幾點 進行歸納: 一、優秀社經地位不利高中生擁有細膩、深入的自我信念,對於自己優、弱勢的理 解及內在覺察頗為敏銳;在成長歷程中,個體內在亦因早熟特質而擁有頗大 情緒起伏。 二、研究參與者的家庭經濟與成長資源雖相對匱乏,家庭成員關係與情感交流皆頗 為正向。豐沛的家庭情感支持填補經濟的缺口。 三、國小、國中至高中不同求學階段與學習環境的轉變,對於研究 參與者影響甚 鉅。研究參與者在不同求學階段面臨課業成就、 人際交往等面向之起伏與挑 戰,嘗試在碰撞與擺盪中尋找平衡。 四、社會互動方面,大多研究參與者能主動從生活場域、社會資助方案等環境中學 習、珍惜所擁有的學習資源;人際交往傾向則較為被動、退縮。 五、對於生涯發展和選擇,研究參與者擁有獨立、具體的自我觀點, 亦受到家庭 環境與父母期望影響而將經濟、就業等現實因素納 入生涯考量;對於未來,則 期望確立自我定位,有海闊天空的 視野開展。 最後,研究者提出以下建議:強化學校環境關注弱勢背景學生的系統,教育相關人員密切追蹤家庭整體脈動;建立良師輔導機制,引導與協助其生涯視野的開拓;對各階段優秀社經地位不利學生進行長程關注;期許將來社會能為優秀社經地位不利個體提供更多深、廣度兼具的社會支持資源。
Follow, but Not Drift Blindly: The Study of Five Socioeconomic Disadvantaged Gifted High-school Students’ Life Experiences Abstract This study aims toinvestigate the growth of five socioeconomic disadvantaged gifted high-school students. Through the autobiographic narrativestated by the research participants, thestudy sets its goal on analyzing their mental developments in the aspects of self-concepts, family relationships, process of studying, social interactions, and their career goals. The common background of the five high-schooled participants is that they all attended the forth “Bright Minds Award” hold by Chinese Association of Gifted Education and Morgan Stanley Taiwan, in which the researcher participated as coach. The research adopted narrative inquiry as its research method. Accordingly, to present the participants’ life experiences with a complete structure, the study was proceeded under the model of “holistic-contend”. The essay also used “categorical-content” model to obtain the common traits among the five participants’ life experiences, and to generalize the factors that made their current mentality. Based on the two former models, the researcher split the study results into two parts. The first is to discuss how the five individuals’ growth experiences formed their current shape of minds respectively, while the second phase is to gather up the traits among their self-concepts, family relationships, processes of studying, social interactions, and career goals. In summary, those socioeconomic disadvantaged gifted students have keen observations about the surroundings and their own circumstances. Most of them are apt at looking into themselves. Besides, perhaps due to III theirprecociousness comparing to their peers, the high-schooled participants tend to be quite sensitive. Secondly, despite the relatively poor resource their families can provide, the participants have positive feelings about the relationships between them andtheir families. The spiritual support they got from their families compensated the inferior feeling caused by substance deficiency. Thirdly, the environmental changes of different schooling stages brought great influence for the research participants. Facing different challenges, the students always tried to find the balance between the pursuit of academic achievements and the harmony with peers. Furthermore, in the perspective of social interaction, most of the research participants sought resources actively from school and government. They made good use of the resources that they acquired on their own. On the other hand, they seem to be ratherpassive and introvertwhile dealing with the relationships with their peers. As for the goal setting of their future career, the socioeconomic disadvantaged gifted students tend to be relatively down-to-earth. Concerning their own future, the students feel it essential to take reality factors, such as economic conditions and the ease of getting employed, into consideration. The participants all expect themselves to find their own position in the future. Finally, some recommendations are made according to the study, for example, to strengthen the caring system, to provide a mentor network and long-term services for gifted students from socioeconomic disadvantaged families.



社經地位不利, 資優生, 成長經驗, 敘事探究, socioeconomic disadvantaged, gifted students, life experiences, narrative inquiry





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