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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Special Education
National Taiwan Normal University Department of Special Education
本研究旨在探究永齡希望小學國語文補救教學方案在國小二年級的實施成效,以及執行補救教學的師資背景是否會影響學生的讀寫能力發展。本研究採用準實驗設計,一共有382 位國小二年級讀寫低成就學生參與,實驗組學生有198位,接受永齡方案16 週,每週六節課;對照組學生則有184 位,他們和實驗組學生同校,但是未接受永齡方案的服務。實驗組的參與教師共有36 位,依其專業背景,可分為現職教師(16 人)、儲備教師(12 人)和大專生教師(八人)。研究者以階層迴歸分析評估永齡方案對後測讀寫能力進展指標的影響,同時也評估實驗組中三類不同專業背景師資所教授的學生,在後測上有無顯著差異。研究結果顯示,當控制社經、智力及前測分數後,除了識字量之外,實驗組學生在國字聽寫、閱讀理解能力及攜手計畫課後扶助方案科技化評量系統(After School Alternative Program technology-based testing, ASAP)國語成績都明顯優於對照組,顯示介入是有成效的。其次,從教師的背景來看,三種不同專業背景教師所教授的三群學生,僅ASAP 後測具有差異,現職教師及儲備教師顯著優於教學經驗較弱的大專生教師;而在後測識字量、國字聽寫及閱讀理解等標準測驗的分數,三組均無顯著差異。本研究最值得看重之處,除了指出永齡希望小學國語文補救教學方案能顯著提升低成就學生的國語文能力之外,同時發現不同師資背景並未顯著影響其教學成效。據此,研究者進一步提出相關的討論與建議。
Purpose: This study examined the effects of the Yong-Ling Chinese remedial program (YL program) and teachers’ professional backgrounds on the literacy progress of second graders. Methods: Fifty-nine schools with 382 students (average age: 7.8 years) participated in this study. The participating students were divided into two groups: a treatment group of 198 students and a control group of 184 students—both containing students from every school. With their parents’ consent, students in the treatment group participated in the YL program for 40-minute sessions, six times per week over the course of 16 weeks. The students in the control group did not take part in the program. The 36 teachers assigned to the treatment group were categorized by professional background: full-time teachers with a elementary teacher certification (n = 16), unemployed teachers with certificates (n = 12), and student teachers from colleges (n = 8). A pretest–posttest quasi-experimental design was adopted. In addition to using the measures of socioeconomic status (SES) and nonverbal intelligence quotient (IQ), we tested for Chinese character size, Chinese character dictation, and Chinese reading comprehension before and after the intervention. Additionally, all students were required by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education to take a literacy achievement test, the After School Alternative Program– (ASAP-) technology-based test. We obtained the students’ ASAP scores from the schools. Hierarchical regression analysis techniques, using SES, IQ, and pretest scores as covariates, were used to analyze the treatment effects. Furthermore, for the treatment group, hierarchical regression analysis was repeated to analyze the effects of teachers’ professional backgrounds on students’ test scores. Results/Findings: First, the intervention effects, for three out of four measures of literacy progress—namely Chinese character dictation, Chinese reading comprehension, and ASAP—were significant; that is, students
Purpose: This study examined the effects of the Yong-Ling Chinese remedial program (YL program) and teachers’ professional backgrounds on the literacy progress of second graders. Methods: Fifty-nine schools with 382 students (average age: 7.8 years) participated in this study. The participating students were divided into two groups: a treatment group of 198 students and a control group of 184 students—both containing students from every school. With their parents’ consent, students in the treatment group participated in the YL program for 40-minute sessions, six times per week over the course of 16 weeks. The students in the control group did not take part in the program. The 36 teachers assigned to the treatment group were categorized by professional background: full-time teachers with a elementary teacher certification (n = 16), unemployed teachers with certificates (n = 12), and student teachers from colleges (n = 8). A pretest–posttest quasi-experimental design was adopted. In addition to using the measures of socioeconomic status (SES) and nonverbal intelligence quotient (IQ), we tested for Chinese character size, Chinese character dictation, and Chinese reading comprehension before and after the intervention. Additionally, all students were required by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education to take a literacy achievement test, the After School Alternative Program– (ASAP-) technology-based test. We obtained the students’ ASAP scores from the schools. Hierarchical regression analysis techniques, using SES, IQ, and pretest scores as covariates, were used to analyze the treatment effects. Furthermore, for the treatment group, hierarchical regression analysis was repeated to analyze the effects of teachers’ professional backgrounds on students’ test scores. Results/Findings: First, the intervention effects, for three out of four measures of literacy progress—namely Chinese character dictation, Chinese reading comprehension, and ASAP—were significant; that is, students