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本研究旨在了解國中資源班師實施性別平等教育現況與需求,分析不同背景變項的國中資源班教師實施性別平等教育於「教學內容」、「教材教法」、「行政支援」、「在職進修」與「困境」五個向度的現況,與四向度的需求現況。本研究採用問卷調查法,以自編之「國中資源班教師性別平等教育實施現況與需求研究調查問卷」為研究工具,針對臺北縣市公立國民中學資源班教師共479位為研究對象,發出286份正式問卷,回收有效樣本246位。本研究之主要結論如下: 一、 有實施性別平等教育經驗的教師有148位(佔總數60.2%),贊成於教學活動中融入實施性別平等教育的教師有237位(佔總數96.3%),顯示國中資源班教師中贊成實施性別平等教育者居多。 二、 整體而言,性別平等教育實施現況情形屬於中組的等級,教學內容、教材教法、與困境是屬於中組,行政支援與在職進修是屬於低組,顯示現況與所獲得的相關資源狀況尚有改善空間。 三、 教師實施性別平等教育時,最大的困境是社會環境提供學生太多不合宜的資訊和欠缺相關資源與輔助教材。 四、 實施性別平等教育的整體需求情形屬於「高組」的等級,足見資源班教師於實施性別平等教育方面有深切的需求。 五、 不同背景變項的教師於性別平等教育現況與需求程度上有差異,現況依年齡、婚姻狀況、特教專業背景、資源班教學年資、任教地區、實施經驗不同而有差異;需求程度依年齡、任教地區、贊成態度不同而有差異。 六、 國中資源班教師感受遭遇較多困境者,其需求也越高。
We analyzed the current status and needs of the resource room teachers in the junior high school. To implement the gender equity education in the items of teaching content, teaching material and teaching method, administration support, in-service training, and predicament. This research employed a questionnaire as a research instrument, targeting the subject at 479 resource room teachers who served junior student. Based on the retrieved effective sample of the working 246 questionnaires, the primary conclusions of this research are as specifically follow: First, There are 237 teachers who agree to incorporate gender equity education in teaching activity (account for 96.3% of total number). These date reveal that teachers who agree to implement gender equity education are the majority of the resource room teachers of junior high school. Overall, current status of gender equity education is in medium group. The current status of teaching content, teaching material teaching method, and predicament are medium , but the current status of administration support, in-service training are low-grade. It was showed that the existing condition and gained relevant resource is not very ideal. Second, when the teachers implement the gender equity education, the greatest predicament is that the social environment offers too much wrong information to students and the shortage of relevant resources and assisting teaching materials. And the whole needs of implementing gender equity education are high-grade. That means resource room teachers have strongly demand for implementing gender equity education. In addition, the more predicaments that resource room teachers feel, the more needs they demand.



國中資源班教師, 性別平等教育, junior high school resource room teachers, gender equity education





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