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隨著社群媒體蓬勃發展,越來越多的旅客會從社群網媒體中搜尋旅遊資訊並加以詢問、評論及討論。這些公開、自然的發言內容,蘊含了許多珍貴的資訊,並較問卷填答更為真實且無法操弄。旅遊相關業者若能以社群媒體中挖掘出的資訊擬訂貼近旅客需求的行銷策略,必能洞燭機先、創造商機。 因此,本研究透過社群口碑資料庫蒐集討論區、社群網站及部落格上關於日本旅遊的網路聲量,並以皮爾森積差相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定及卡方檢定等統計方法加以分析,了解赴日旅遊的聲量隨時間、社群媒體形式及討論議題變化的趨勢。研究結果顯示:一、討論區的聲量多集中於赴日旅遊前;部落格的聲量從赴日旅遊前延續到旅遊時期;社群網站的聲量多集中於赴日旅遊後。二、農曆春節的討論區與社群網站、和平紀念日的討論區及國慶日的討論區等連假前後聲量有顯著差異。三、赴日賞櫻聲量於前一年的11月開始醞釀增加,三個社群媒體管道中最熱門的聲量議題為「景點」及「行程」。
Thanks to the rapid development of social media in recent years, more and more tourists surf for and exchange touring information on the internet. Those public comments and feedbacks from social media users contain a lot of direct and realistic thoughts as well as interests among these potential tourists. Therefore, the buzz on social media can serve as a useful reference to travel agencies for planning promotions and marketing strategies effectively and efficiently. In this study, the variations of buzzes for tours to Japan in Forums, Social websites and Blogs, were investigated based on social media database. Classical statistical techniques such as Pearson's correlation, Independent sample t test, and Chi-square test were applied to analyze the variation of buzz with respect to time, type of social media and topic. The results were derived as the follows: 1. Forums, Blogs and Social websites have peaks in buzz before, during and after the trip to Japan, respectively. 2. Significant variations in buzz happen before and after long holidays such the Lunar Calendar New Year, Memorial day for Peace and the National day. 3. The buzz for cherry blossom viewing in Japan takes off at November in the year before the scheduled travel date. In addition, “Attraction” and “Itinerary” are the two hottest topics on all three types of social media.



討論區, 社群網站, 部落格, 聲量, 觀光, forum, social website, blog, buzz, tourism





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