
dc.contributorChen, Chin-Lungen_US
dc.contributor.authorTseng, Chuan-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to explore the students’ background, behavior, and motivations of consumption in Taekwondo training clubs in Taipei. This research also compared the variances and correlations of the motivation, behavior, and satisfaction between the students with different backgrounds. The objects of this study were Taekwondo students in Taipei’s training clubs. An adapted version of questionnaire entitled “A Research of Motivation, Behavior, and Satisfaction of Consumption of Taekwondo Students” was distributed to the students. A pretest on the basis of this questionnaire was proceeded and a total of 104 responses were collected. The formal questionnaire was completed after item analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and experts’ evaluation. A total of 852 valid responses to the formal questionnaire were collected. All the collected materials were analyzed and the following findings were obtained. 1. In terms of gender differences, there were more male students than female. As to age group, the majority were 6-12 year olds from elementary schools. Most of them had been trained for one to two years. The majority practiced two times per week and the most wanted practicing days were Saturday, Friday, and Wednesday. Every training session took 81 to 90 minutes. The most wanted practicing time was from 18:00 to 20:00. 61.5% of the total respondents had no intention to quit Taekwondo training. Most students learned the club names through advertisement. For the students, the primary reason of joining and staying with the clubs was the availability of quality coaches. The primary participation motivation was “increasing physical fitness.” With regard to consumer satisfaction, the most stated positive element was “effective training and coaching to enhance the improvement of Taekwondo skill” and the most negative element was “space and facility.” 2. There was no obvious difference in participation motivations between male and female students. However there was distinct difference in participation motivations in terms of age, school years, and years of training. 3. There was no distinct difference in consuming behavior in terms of number of practicing time and practicing hours between different genders. However, there was obvious difference in number of practicing time and practicing hours between different age, school years, and years of training. 4. With regard to consumer satisfaction, there was distinct difference between different genders and different years of learning. However, there was no obvious difference in consumer satisfaction between different age and different school years. 5. There was positive correlation between the number of practicing time, practicing hours, and participation motivation in consumer behavior. Also there was positive correlation between the number of practicing time and consumer satisfaction. However, there was no correlation between practicing hours and consumer satisfaction. Positive correlation between motivation and satisfaction in consumption was found in this research.en_US
dc.subjectTaekwondo Training Cluben_US
dc.subjectMotivation in Consumptionen_US
dc.subjectBehavior in Consumptionen_US
dc.subjectConsumer Satisfactionen_US
dc.titleA Research of Motivation, Behavior, and Satisfaction of Consumption of Taekwondo Studentsen_US

