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Department of Chinese, NTNU
Department of Chinese, NTNU
本文以民初學術發展中的儒教國教化之爭為背景,闡述尊孔文社的成立緣由及其核心成員衛禮賢(Richard Wilhelm,1873-1930)和勞乃宣(1843-1921)兩人因應於時局變化所建立的互動關係。從相關的史料和書信之中,筆者試圖勾勒出兩人在尊孔文社裡扮演的關鍵性角色,並說明其從事的具體活動內容。 自從晚清政權在1911年辛亥革命之後逐步崩解,有些知識分子避走到租界地,而當時他們涉入於新中國在孔教議題上處於正反雙方劇烈的學術爭辯之中。此時,來華的同善會傳教士衛禮賢拜勞乃宣為師,為了延續孔子學說的傳統精神而成立尊孔文社,並結合遜清遺老在青島的周馥、勞乃宣等人的舊勢力,為東西方文化之間搭建起一座交流的橋樑。是以本文聚焦於衛禮賢和勞乃宣在參與尊孔文社期間,從講學活動、經典翻譯、孔教立場、政治復辟等四個部分作進一步的探討。由此可知,透過西方傳教士與晚清中國知識分子的交流則為清末民初學術思潮的轉變提供了一種不同的思考角度與參照的觀點。
This paper is based on the controversy of the nationalization of Confucianism in the early years of the Republic of China. It expounds the reasons for the establishment of the Zunkong Wenshe and the interaction between its core members, Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930) and Lao Naixuan (1843-1921). With reference to the relevant historical materials and letters, this study tries to outline their efforts on the establishment of Zunkong Wenshe, and to explain the rationale behind specific activities at that time. Since the late Qing regime collapsed after the 1911 revolution, some of the intellectuals who refused to serve the new regime fled to the concession territories and got involved with the controversy about the teaching of Confucius in the new China. At that time, Richard Wilhelm, an A.E.P.M. missionary, took Lao Naixuan as his teacher and set up the Zunkong Wenshe in order to preserve the traditional spirit of Confucianism, and gathered with the like-minded intellectuals such as Zhou Fu and Lao Naixuan in Qingdao. They aimed to build a bridge between east and western culture. This paper focuses on the participation of Richard Wilhelm and Lao Naixuan in the Zunkong Wenshe, delineating their activities, such as lectures, Chinese classics translation, positions about teaching of Confucius, and political restoration. This paper aims to show that the interaction between western missionaries and Chinese intellectuals can provide a different perspective to the changes in academic trend through the Qing-republican transition.
This paper is based on the controversy of the nationalization of Confucianism in the early years of the Republic of China. It expounds the reasons for the establishment of the Zunkong Wenshe and the interaction between its core members, Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930) and Lao Naixuan (1843-1921). With reference to the relevant historical materials and letters, this study tries to outline their efforts on the establishment of Zunkong Wenshe, and to explain the rationale behind specific activities at that time. Since the late Qing regime collapsed after the 1911 revolution, some of the intellectuals who refused to serve the new regime fled to the concession territories and got involved with the controversy about the teaching of Confucius in the new China. At that time, Richard Wilhelm, an A.E.P.M. missionary, took Lao Naixuan as his teacher and set up the Zunkong Wenshe in order to preserve the traditional spirit of Confucianism, and gathered with the like-minded intellectuals such as Zhou Fu and Lao Naixuan in Qingdao. They aimed to build a bridge between east and western culture. This paper focuses on the participation of Richard Wilhelm and Lao Naixuan in the Zunkong Wenshe, delineating their activities, such as lectures, Chinese classics translation, positions about teaching of Confucius, and political restoration. This paper aims to show that the interaction between western missionaries and Chinese intellectuals can provide a different perspective to the changes in academic trend through the Qing-republican transition.