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本研究旨在探討國小行動學習輔助英語教學之歷程、行動學習輔助英語教學之學生學習興趣與英語聽力及口說能力之學習成效、行動學習輔助英語教學遭遇之困難等。本研究採用質性研究法,選取研究者服務之國小英語教師作為研究對象,現場觀察與訪談作為資料蒐集的主要方式,其中課室觀察共8次、訪談個案研究對象共8次、發放問卷1次。本研究的結論如下:壹、 行動學習輔助英語教學之緣起為民國99學年度開始實施行動學習相關計畫,民國101學年度成立行動學習團隊,民國104年參與教育部行動學習推動計畫,民國105年組成教育科技專業社群與英語領域教學專業社群。貳、 英語教師使用行動學習輔助英語教學之教學模式主要為數位學習教學模式,英語教師使用行動學習輔助英語教學之軟體或網站對應行動學習教學架構主要為低互動性個人化。參、 行動學習輔助英語教學之軟體或網站之學生學習興趣主要為引起情境興趣,快樂國小英語教師使用行動學習輔助英語教學時會帶領學生聆聽並唸出句型,學生透過英語教師提問及回答練習英語口說。肆、 行動學習輔助英語教學遭遇之困難包含行政支援之困難為行動學習載具老舊,課程與教材之困難為需規劃銜接各年段行動學習課程之方式以及符應十二年國教課綱,師資之困難為英語教師需要熟悉如何使用行動學習輔具,而在設備方面遭遇之困難為尚未達成每間英語教室皆有平板。最後依據研究結論,本研究針對國小行動學習輔助英語教學以及後續相關研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study is to examine the procedure of mobile learning assisted English Teaching, the students’ interests in mobile learning assisted English Teaching and learning effectiveness of English Listening and Speaking, and the difficulties of mobile learning assisted English Teaching.This research is used as qualitative research.Researcher chooses the English teachers who work in the Elementary School as research object ,and use observe and interview to collect research data.The research conclusion is as below:1. The origin of mobile learning assisted English Teaching plan is from 99 academic year, establish mobile learning team in 101 academic year, join mobile learning plan in Ministry of Education in 104 academic year, and establish education technology professional learning community and English professional teaching community.2. The English teachers apply the teaching model in mobile learning assisted English Teaching is E-learning teaching model, and the English teachers apply mobile learning assisted English teaching software and website related to mobile learning teaching framework is low interaction and individualized.3. The students learning interests of mobile learning assisted English teaching software and website is to trigger students’ situational learning interests. When the English teachers implement mobile learning assisted English teaching, they will lead the students to listen and read the sentence pattern. The students will practice English speaking through English teachers’ question and answer.4. The difficulty of mobile learning assisted English teaching includes administrative support difficulty is mobile learning device is old, curriculum and the teaching materials difficulty is to plan each grades mobile learning curriculum to correspond Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, teacher faculty difficulty is English teachers need to familiar with how to use mobile learning device, and the device difficulty is that there isn’t enough mobile device in each English classroom.According to the research conclusions , the research provides the suggestion of mobile learning assisted English teaching in the Elementary School and the suggestion of related research.



行動學習, 國小英語教學, Mobile Learning, English Teaching in Elementary School





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