

本研究主要在探討台北縣市國民中學學校教師會組織的運作現況,針對其運作現況之問題,進一步研擬學校教師會組織變革策略。本研究之目的為:一、探討組織變革的意涵與相關理論。二、調查國民中學學校教師會之運作現況。三、分析影響國民中學學校教師會組織變革之相關因素。四、探究國民中學學校教師會組織變革之策略。五、根據研究發現,提出結論與建議,供有關單位及人員之參考。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法與訪談法進行研究,首先蒐集與研讀相關文獻,建立本研究的理論架構,編製「臺北縣市國民中學學校教師會運作現況之調查問卷」,作為調查研究工具,針對臺北縣市國民中學之校長、主任或組長、教師會會長及教師進行調查,採分層隨機抽樣方式,抽取56所已立案學校教師會之國民中學,共發出665份問卷,回收問卷計412份,剔除填答不全等無效問卷24份,總計有效問卷為388份,問卷回收率達58.35%。本研究以SPSS for Windows 13.0統計套裝軟體進行資料登錄與分析;其次,以自編之半結構訪談大綱,對二位國民中學校長及二位教師會會長,共計四位進行訪談。 綜合文獻探討、調查研究與訪談研究發現,獲得下列結論: 一、整體而言,臺北縣市國民中學人員對學校教師會之運作現況的知覺屬於中度水準,其中以「監督協調功能」層面較高,「教學研究功能」層面較低 。 二、教師會會員知覺學校教師會之運作現況高於非教師會會員。 三、學校規模大的學校人員所知覺學校教師會之運作現況,高於學校規模小的學校成員。 四、學校教師會在運作過程中所面臨的主要困難或相關問題,為「教師工作繁忙,無暇參與教師會各項活動」及「教師會成員缺乏法律專才」。 五、不同職務、服務年資、是否為教師會會員、曾經擔任不同教師會職務與不同學校規模之學校人員對於學校教師會運作之困難與相關問題普遍存在顯著差異。 六、學校教師會運作之困難與相關問題,曾經擔任教師會職務者的知覺顯著高於未曾擔任教師會職務者。 七、整體而言,臺北縣市國民中學人員對於學校教師會之變革策略的認同程度屬於中度水準,其中以「文化創新策略」層面較高,「技術變革策略」層面則較低。 八、學校教師會之變革策略,教師會會長之認同情形顯著高於教師會幹部。 根據本研究所獲之結論,研究者針對教育行政主管機關、學校行政單位、學校教師會及未來研究者提出相關建議,如下: 一、對教育行政主管機關之建議 (一)增加教師員額編制,調整教師的工作量 (二)編列經費補助,獎勵成效良好的學校教師會 二、對學校行政單位之建議 (一)加強組織間的溝通協調,建立學校辦學理念的共識 (二)擴大學校教師會參與的力量以順利推動校務 三、對學校教師會之建議 (一)與學校行政相互合作,共創雙贏局面 (二)鼓勵成員再教育,強化教師的專業成長 (三)轉化成員的態度,改變其對教師會的認知與瞭解 (四)運用協商策略,爭取更多教師會會員的權益 (五)活化教師會運作,營造教師會新文化 四、對未來研究者之建議 (一)在研究對象方面 未來可擴展進一步研究其他縣市不同層級學校教師會為研究對象,如國小、高中等,藉此比較分析不同研究對象對學校教師會組織變革策略之意見差異。 (二)在研究內容方面 後續的研究可進一步針對縣市教師會或是全國教師會之變革策略做深入的研究,比較不同層級的教師會在進行變革時所採取策略上之異同,並且可進一步探究影響教師會進行組織變革之相關因素,分析其影響因素是否與組織變革策略有所相關。 (三)在研究方法方面 後續研究則可以採學校教師會的個案研究或觀察法等方式,針對所要探討的問題,蒐集更深入的資料進行研究。
The objectives of this research are: first, to explore the meaning and related theories of organizational change; second, to understand how to operate school teachers’ association of junior high school; third, to explore strategies of teachers’ association change, and finally, to provide suggestions for educational authorities, schools and school teachers’ association. The methods adopted for the research was questionnaire survey and interview. First, based on the results drawn from the literature review, a questionnaire named “The questionnaire for current operating status of teachers’ association of junior high school” was developed. Questionnaires were delivered to 56 schools in Taipei areas in the form of multistage sampling. 338 out of 665 questionnaires sent out were effective. The statistics software tool used for the questionnaire analysis was the SPSS for Windows version 13.0. Second, two principals of junior high school and two chairmen of teachers’ association were chosen to be interviewed in the way of semi-structure interview. The conclusions derived from the literature review, the questionnaire survey, and interview on the strategies of teachers’ association change are as follows: 1. Generally speaking, staffs’ role perception of operating currently school teachers’ association shows medium-leveled quality. 2. The teachers’ association members’ perception of operating currently school teachers’ association is higher leveled than non-members. 3. The large-sized school staffs’ perception of operating currently school teachers’ association is higher leveled than the small-sized school staffs. 4. The main dilemmas confronted by school teachers’ association toward operating currently are “ teachers are so busy that they have no other time to take part in the activities of teachers’ association” and “ members of teachers’ association lack expertise in law”. 5. There is significant difference toward the role perception of main dilemmas confronted by teachers’ association between the staffs’ current position, seniority, members and non-members of teachers’ association, teachers’ association position, and school scale. 6. Staffs who ever served as a teachers’ association position have higher perception of main dilemmas confronted by teachers’ association than those who never served as any teachers’ association position. 7. Generally speaking, staffs’ role perception of strategies of teachers’ association change shows medium-leveled quality. 8. Teachers’ association presidents’ perception of teachers’ association change is higher leveled than other organizers. According to the research outcomes, the researcher provides suggestions to educational authorities, schools, school teachers’ association, as well as future relative researches.



學校教師會, 組織變革, 組織變革策略, school teachers’ association, organizational change, strategies of organizational change





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