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過去對於文化資產的保存多針對單一案件進行保存,不但以硬體維運為重,亦較少在活化文化資產之歷史文化價值著力,更遑論經常與周遭的文化資產各自獨立。近年聯合國教科文組織與政府提出「文化路徑」(Cultural Route),大規模以主題式整合多元的文化資源,以及文化資產保存趨向多元之理念,將相同主題的文化資產進行串聯。在上述趨勢啟發下,本論文採數位虛擬的方式進行文化資產串聯,以淡水為實驗場,藉由加拿大長老教會宣教師馬偕(George Leslie Mackay, 1844-1901)在淡水生活30年的經驗,再搭配《馬偕日記》之紀錄,提出一個新的文化資產活化保存之維運方式。馬偕在淡水生活期間,淡水匯集許多群體,打造了許多別具特色的建築,有不少已是受政府保護的文化資產,其中也包含馬偕留下的4座建築。為了藉由馬偕視角認識淡水的文化資產,本論文先將淡水文化資產進行全面性盤點,接著馬偕在其日記中記錄了他在淡水的生活與交友情形,採數位人文工具對此日記進行「社會網絡分析」(Social Network Analysis),呈現他在淡水與不同群體的友朋關係,再與淡水的文化資產結合。以淡水的文化資產和馬偕社會網絡等兩個重要因素,規劃一個虛擬的文化路徑,將淡水的文化資產進行故事性、系統性之串聯,讓來到淡水的遊客可以藉由馬偕的故事和文化資產認識淡水歷史。藉此利用數位工具將淡水文化資產大範圍的串聯,以提供一種以數位化認識淡水文化資產之方法。
Hitherto preservation of cultural heritage in Taiwan had been mostly focused on individual cases, being predominantly hardware-base quite independent from other cultural heritage in the surrounding. In view of the international trend of multi-cultural inclusion and contextualizing cultural heritage of a region, this thesis attempts to link cultural heritage in a digital and virtual way.Taking Tamsui as an experimental field, and uses the experience of George Leslie Mackay (1844-1901), a Presbyterian missionary from Canada and had lived in Tamsui for 30 years. Having utilized the records of " The Diary of George Leslie Mackay, 1871-1901, " I try to contextualize his life in Tamsui with social network and associated architectural establishments, i.e., later cultural heritage in order to experiment a new maintenance method of cultural heritage preservation. Since, Mackay’s diary recorded his life and associates in Tamsui, in order to understand the cultural heritage of Tamsui from the perspective of Mackay, this thesis adopts the digital humanities tools"Social Network Analysis" to present his relationship with different groups of people in Tamsui and integrat the results with Tamsui’s cultural heritage. Finally, this thesis planned a virtual cultural route based on Mackay's social network and Tamsui's cultural heritage, connecting them systematically in order to provide the story line for interested people to understand Tamsui’s history and culture. In such way, cultural heritage and history and culture of the locality can therefore be contextualized and the value and preservation of cultural heritage can thereby be better promoted and developed.
Hitherto preservation of cultural heritage in Taiwan had been mostly focused on individual cases, being predominantly hardware-base quite independent from other cultural heritage in the surrounding. In view of the international trend of multi-cultural inclusion and contextualizing cultural heritage of a region, this thesis attempts to link cultural heritage in a digital and virtual way.Taking Tamsui as an experimental field, and uses the experience of George Leslie Mackay (1844-1901), a Presbyterian missionary from Canada and had lived in Tamsui for 30 years. Having utilized the records of " The Diary of George Leslie Mackay, 1871-1901, " I try to contextualize his life in Tamsui with social network and associated architectural establishments, i.e., later cultural heritage in order to experiment a new maintenance method of cultural heritage preservation. Since, Mackay’s diary recorded his life and associates in Tamsui, in order to understand the cultural heritage of Tamsui from the perspective of Mackay, this thesis adopts the digital humanities tools"Social Network Analysis" to present his relationship with different groups of people in Tamsui and integrat the results with Tamsui’s cultural heritage. Finally, this thesis planned a virtual cultural route based on Mackay's social network and Tamsui's cultural heritage, connecting them systematically in order to provide the story line for interested people to understand Tamsui’s history and culture. In such way, cultural heritage and history and culture of the locality can therefore be contextualized and the value and preservation of cultural heritage can thereby be better promoted and developed.
數位人文, 淡水, 宣教師馬偕, 文化資產之串聯, 社會網絡分析, Digital humanities, Tamsui, George Leslie Mackay, To Link Cultural Heritage, Social Network Analysis