

本研究採用行動研究,以自我指導策略發展(SRSD)為主要策略,教導四位國高中亞斯伯格症學生(簡稱亞症)學習完整的寫作歷程,並在過程中探討亞症學生的寫作困難情形,調整策略以協助學生改善寫作問題。 研究結果可分為以下兩部分: 在寫作困難方面,四位亞症學生無法有效統整讀者、寫作者及文章三方面的要求;心智理論(讀者覺察)問題影響整體寫作表現,尤其是寫作者本身的經驗與感受的部分;執行功能問題影響寫作歷程中的計畫、組織材料、監控等歷程;核心統整問題影響取材、運用詞彙、回顧修改等工作。其他如文法、寫字等問題也會影響寫作表現。 在寫作教學過程方面,最後選取其中兩位學生,深入報導寫作教學的歷程。自我指導策略發展(SRSD)有助於亞症學生學習較完整的寫作歷程,在教學中透過對話與反思,找出學生困難,並參考中文的寫作教學理論來調整介入層級與方式,可以使亞症學生解決取材、文法、運用詞彙、描寫感受等寫作問題。 最後根據研究中的發現,提出對於家長、教師以及研究方面的建議。
In this study, action research was applied, and Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) was used as the primary strategy to teach writing process to four middle school students with Asperger Syndrome. Furthermore, the article illustrates the writing difficulties of students with Asperger Syndrome as well as the adjustments of SRSD strategy to help students with Asperger Syndrome solve their individual writing problems were illustrated. In terms of writing difficulties, students with Asperger Syndrome were not able to meet the writing requirements which are related to readers, writers, and contents. That is, they have difficulties in audience awareness (the theory of mind), which influences their entire writing performance, especially in writing experiences and expressions. They also have difficulties with executive function (EF), which influences their abilities to think, organize, and revise the content while writing. In addition, they have difficulties in central coherence, which influences their capabilities of choosing writing materials, using vocabulary, and making revisions. Other writing difficulties related to grammar and handwriting were also outlined. With regard to teaching progress, the process and the benefits of teaching SRSD to two students with Asperger Syndrome were discussed in detail. Through self-conversation and reflection, the teacher identified students’ writing difficulties. The teacher also made proper adjustments to the SRSD strategy based on the theory of Chinese writing instructions. Finally, students with Asperger Syndrome can successfully solve their writing problems in choosing writing materials, using proper grammar and vocabulary, and expressing their thoughts. In sum, this research provides an evidence of desirable effects of the SRSD strategy on improvement of writing skills in students with Asperger Syndrome. Based on the results, suggestions were made to parents, teachers, and future researchers to adopt SRSD strategy to improve students’ writing skills.



亞斯伯格, 寫作, 寫作教學, 寫作歷程, SRSD, 行動研究, Asperger, writing, writing instruction, writing process, SRSD, action research





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