

  本研究旨在了解高中高職視覺障礙學生參與休閒活動的現況及分析不同背景變項高中高職視覺障礙學生參與休閒活動的情形、休閒態度以及休閒阻礙,最後並探討休閒態度、休閒阻礙與休閒參與之間的關係。   本研究以自編之問卷為研究工具,調查北部六縣市高中高職視覺障礙學生的休閒活動的現況,經由資料整理與分析,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及積差相關分析等統計方法進行處理,所得結果如下: 一、 高中高職視覺障礙學生參與休閒活動的程度介於「很少參與」到「偶爾參與」之間;類型仍偏向「室內」或「靜態」。休閒態度的看法傾於積極正面,休閒阻礙的程度介於「偶爾阻礙」到「很少阻礙」之間。 二、 不同個人背景變項對於高中高職視覺障礙學生參與休閒活動的現況無顯著差異。 三、 不同學校背景變項對於高中高職視覺障礙學生參與休閒活動的情形與休閒阻礙程度達顯著性差異。 四、 不同家庭背景變項中的家長教育程度對於高中高職視覺障礙學生參與休閒活動的情形達顯著性差異,其餘則未達顯著差異。   依據上述研究結果,提出可行建議,對於學校教育、家長、社會及進一步研究提供參考方向。
This study investigated the present situation of leisure activities for visually impaired students. Furthermore, the study also analyzed the participation, frequency, the attitude and the obstacles of leisure activities joined by students with different background variables. At last, we discussed the relationship between students’ attitude, obstacles and the participation of leisure activities. A self-designed questionnaire was used as the research tool to carry on the investigation in the northern region, including six counties, in Taiwan. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. The findings were as follows: 1. The participation frequency of visually impaired students joining leisure activities was between seldom and occasionally. The type of leisure activities biased toward indoor and static. The attitude was basically positive. The obstacle frequency of leisure activities was between occasionally and seldom. 2. When we compared visually impaired students with different personal background variables, no significant difference was found between the present situations of joining leisure activities. 3. However, comparing visually impaired students with different school background variables, both their participation frequencies and the obstacles of leisure activities were significantly different. 4. In family background variable, visually impaired students with parents of different education levels showed a significant difference between their participation frequencies of leisure activities. In other family background variables, no significant difference was found. Based on the conclusions above, several suggestions were offered for educational schools, parents, society and researches.



高中高職視覺障礙學生, 休閒活動, 北部地區, senior high school students with visual impairment, leisure activities, northern region





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