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This research aims to examine the origin of the construction of the Armed Forces, the content of the activities held in it, and the reason for its demolition. In the early post-war period, the government of the Republic of China retreated to Taiwan. Along with the coming of the military to Taiwan came basketball as well. Due to the popularity of basketball in the armed forces, the military gradually promoted basketball to the public, and basketball eventually became one of the most popular sports in Taiwan. The Armed Forces Stadium was built against such a backdrop and became the biggest stadium in East Asia. In view of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of China now settled in Taiwan endeavored to make its voice heard internationally to prove that it was the true representative of “Free China.” In addition to hosting basketball matches, the stadium also became an important place where the government held the Jie-Shou Cup to win over overseas Chinese and garner international recognition. As the then biggest indoor stadium in the country, the Armed Forces Stadium was also rented out for other types of events. Yet, since it was under the jurisdiction of the military, the purpose of any activity held there must align with the national policy of “anti-communism and anti-Soviet Union”. Further since the rental income and the ticket revenue were to be used to pay for activities to entertain the army, the stadium partook of much military coloration. Ten years after its establishment, in 1960, the stadium was demolished because “its term of use had expired.”” Although queries about its funding remained, the Armed Forces Stadium did not only manifest the particular historical significance of the post-war Taiwan, but also projected a competitive field through sports tournaments.



自由杯, 介壽杯, 華僑, 臺灣籃球史, 國軍體育促進會, Zi-You Cup, Jie-shou Cup, overseas Chinese, the history of basketball in Taiwan, National Army Sports Association

