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「口述影像」(audio description)是過去翻譯活動中較少探討的議題,在學界通常依附於影視翻譯的研究框架下,此新興研究領域跨越了語言符號與影像符碼,將視障者無法接收的影像訊息轉譯為文字,是明眼人、視障者皆能受惠的全人服務。而影視節目中口述影像,因溝通情境、服務性質獨特,所衍生出的口述產出亦有所不同。然迄今,國內將口述影像撰稿員角色本質獨立出來探討的研究極為缺乏,相當可惜。故本研究目的有四:一、了解口述影像撰稿員如何看待自身扮演的角色;二、試圖解釋撰稿員在維持服務品質之餘,如何保留一定程度個人風格;三、了解其自身定位及專業工作特性;四、分析口述影像之需求、限制與展望。 本研究透過半結構式訪談,以對應研究目的之16個問題,訪問五位影視節目口述影像撰稿員,並藉由編碼分析獲得研究結果。本文試圖勾勒影視節目中口述影像撰稿員角色輪廓,定義影響撰稿員風格差異的因素,最後歸納出專業影視節目撰稿員所需能力與特質。研究結果希望讓口述影像撰稿員的專業及重要性獲得更廣泛認識、讓更多人了解影像符號轉譯為言辭符號的翻譯活動,對視障或視損族群更有所助益。
It is often suggested that audio description research can be framed within the field of audiovisual translation studies. However, research which has documented the link between translation theory and audio describers is scant. Therefore, the aim of this study attempts to explore what possible factors may contribute to the audio describers’ choice of description styles, as well as how audio describers perceive their roles, combined with the views of translation theory. This research employed a semi-structured interview method, comprised of 16 interview questions concerning the roles, description styles and professional work profile of audio describers in the categories of movies and TV programs. Five professional audio describers in film and television programs were invited to participate in the study. The qualitative analysis of the interviews was conducted through coding in order to indicate how the roles of audio describers were perceived. To conclude, this study may be of importance in categorizing the possible factors that shape the description styles of audio describers, as well as in providing practitioners in audiovisual translation studies with a better understanding of the topic. The researcher hopes that this study can contribute to raising popular awareness of audio description services which can benefit not only the BVIs (Blind and Visually Impaired) but also those without visual impairments.



口述影像, 影視翻譯, 口述影像撰稿員, 視覺訊息轉譯, 視覺損傷族群, audio description, audiovisual translation, audio describer, visual message interpretation, BVI





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