

本研究旨在探討高中資優生之熱情樣貌,主要目的為瞭解:(一)高中資優生活動熱情樣貌之現況;(二)不同性別之高中資優生活動熱情的差異情形;(三)不同資優班類別之高中資優生活動熱情的差異情形;(四)投入不同活動類別之高中資優生活動熱情的差異情形。 研究者以自編之「高中資優生熱情量表」為研究工具,以304位高中資優生為研究對象,瞭解不同性別、資優班類別、投入活動類別之高中資優生活動熱情的差異情形,並於獲得量表統計結果後,從各資優類別中選取最高分與最低分學生共17人進行訪談。量表施測所得之資料以描述性統計及三因子變異數分析進行分析;訪談所得之資料則以質化的方式加以分析歸納。茲就本研究之主要研究結果說明如下: 一、高中資優生熱情樣貌之現況 (一)初始投入熱情活動的時間和原因 高中資優生初始投入熱情活動的時間多在幼稚園及國小時期;投入活動的原因大多是受到父母、學校課程及天生興趣傾向的影響。 (二)對熱情活動的感受 高中資優生對於自己喜愛的活動很有熱情,活動和自我融合的情形顯著,無法投入活動時會產生負向的情緒及認知,但在活動參與上尚具彈性。 (三)所選擇的活動類型 在本研究中,高中資優生所填寫的熱情活動共計92種,活動類型多元而正向。最受高中資優生青睞的活動類型是學科知識類(19.74%)、藝文創作類(18.09%)和閱讀類(16.78%);最不受青睞的是益智(5.59%)及休憩社交(5.59%)等類型的活動。 (四)熱情活動對高中資優生的影響 因高中資優生對活動的投入來自於自主選擇,所以對活動的熱情並不會使資優生產生自我毀滅行為、人際關係疏離等負向結果;反而能增進資優生的自我認同,執著於自己的抉擇。 二、不同性別高中資優生活動熱情的差異情形 研究結果顯示,不同性別之高中資優生的活動熱情並無差異,顯示不同性別之高中資優生在活動和自我融合的情形、對活動參與的堅持及無法投入活動時所產生的負向情緒認知上均無不同。。 三、不同資優班類別之高中資優生活動熱情的差異情形 研究結果顯示,不同資優班類別之高中資優生的活動熱情,會因性別及所選擇之熱情活動類型而有所差異(p<.05)。三因子變異數分析結果顯示,當熱情活動為學科知識類時,音樂類高中資優女生對活動的熱情較語文類高中資優女生顯著(p<.05);當熱情活動為藝文創作類時,音樂類高中資優女生較語文類高中資優女生對活動來得有熱情(p<.01)。 四、投入不同活動類別之高中資優生活動熱情差異情形 研究結果顯示,投入不同活動類別之高中資優生的活動熱情,會因性別及所就讀之資優班類別而有所差異(p<.05)。三因子變異數分析結果顯示,以數理類高中資優女生而言,投入學科知識類活動者的活動熱情較投入電腦電玩者強烈(p<.05);以音樂類高中資優女生而言,投入學科知識類活動者較投入閱讀類活動者對活動來得有熱情(p<.01)。 基於上述之研究結果提出輔導、培養高中資優生活動熱情的建議以及對未 來研究的建議。
The main focus of this research was to investigate: 1) the present levels of passion for activity found in senior high school G/T students, 2) senior high school G/T students’ passion for activity differences between gender, 3) the differences of senior high school G/T students’ passion for activity by groups, and 4) the differences between senior high school G/T students’passion for activity by activity type. 304 senior high school G/T students were selected as subjects.”The gifted senior high school students’ passion scale” was used to collect data from the test subjects. The 17 gifted students, recording the highest and lowest scores on ’The gifted senior high school students’ passion scale’ were interviewed for their passion for activity. The data gathered was processed by three-way ANOVA and the qualitative data was recorded as detailed dialogue. The main findings of this research are as follows: 1.The present levels of passion for activity in senior high school G/T students are high. Most students have greater passion for activities they enjoy. Senior high school gifted students like academic subject activities(19.74%) most, and dislike thinking(5.59%) and leisure (5.59%) activities the most. 2. The senior high school G/T students’passion for activity developed earlier from their kindergarten to elementary school periods, and was influenced by their parents, school curriculums, and innate interests. 3. Because senior high school G/T students’ passion for activity came from self determination, they were not associated with negative consequences. 4.Gender and group and activity style had significant correlation effects(p<.o5) .When selecting academic subject activities, musically talented girls recorded more significant passion for activity than literature talented girls(p<.05); when selecting artistic creation activities, musically talented girls recorded more significant passion for activity than mathematical-logic gifted girls(p<.01) . Additionally, when comparing activities, mathematical-logic gifted girls recorded higher significant passion for activity for academic subjects compared to computer games(p<.05);when selecting academic subject activities, musically talented girls recorded higher significant passion for activity for academic subjects over reading related activities (p<.01). Based on results from this research, it is suggested that 1) senior high school G/T students should be counseled in order to develop their passion for activity and 2) further research should be performed on this subject.



高中資優生, 熱情, gifted and talented students, passion

