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本研究以臺灣地區國小高年級家長及學生為研究對象,旨在編製測量國小家長「創造性教養態度」之合適量表工具,並探究國小家長「學童特質偏好」與「創造力知覺」、「創造力信念」以及「創造性教養態度」之關係。研究工具為「理想兒童檢核表」及「創造力信念量表」,以及研究者自編之「創造性教養態度量表」,量表經過預試之後修訂成正式問卷,針對303名國小一般智能資優、藝術才能及普通班學童及家長施測,所得資料回收後,分別採用描述統計呈現各項統計數據,如平均數、標準差等;以因素分析建立量表之建構效度;以單因子變異數分析、積差相關等方法考驗研究假設。研究結果如下: 一、本研究編製「國小學童家長創造力教養態度量表」,包含「鼓勵創意」、「獨立思考」、「親子關係」及「民主開放」四個面向,可用以評量國小家長之創造性教養態度。 二、國小家長偏好具有「情緒智力特質」的兒童。 三、國小家長認為「創造力特質」是具有創造力兒童的特質。 四、國小家長對於創造力的信念傾向贊成「增長信念」而較不傾向「固定信念」。 五、國小家長的創造性教養態度皆偏正向。 六、不同班別之國小家長,在「學童特質偏好」、「創造力知覺」、「創造力信念」以及「創造性教養態度」層面上無顯著差異。 七、國小學童家長在「學童特質偏好」的各層面與「創造力知覺」的各層面,皆有顯著正相關;在對兒童的喜好與教養態度上,「創造性教養態度」的「獨立思考」與「學童特質偏好」的「創造力特質」有顯著正相關。 八、國小學童家長,在「學童特質偏好」與「創造力信念」、「創造力知覺」與「創造力信念」、「創造力知覺」與「教養態度」各層面上皆無相關。 最終,研究者依據研究結果,針對未來研究方向及推動創造力教育的實務工 作提出建議,俾供參考。
The objects of this study are the 5th and sixth graders’ parents in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to create a suitable measurement scale to measure parents’ rearing attitudes in elementary school. Furthermore, parents’ preference perception towards children’s characteristics and the relationship among three other factors: implicit theory of creativity, perceived creativity and creative rearing attitudes is also explored. The research tools include ideal children checklist, perceived creativity scale and a self-made creative rearing attitudes scale. All measurement scales are pre-tested and revised before sending out as questionnaires. Samples are divided into three groups: general students and their parents, gifted students and their parents, gifted students in arts and their parents. 303 valid questionnaires have been collected. The research method being used here is descriptive statistics, such as mean and standard deviation. In addition, factor analysis is applied to build the measurement scale’s construct validity, and one-way ANOVA analysis, Pearson correlation method are used to test the hypotheses. The results are as follows: 1. The measurement scale made for this research, creative rearing attitude of elementary school parents, includes four aspects: motivating creativity, independence thinking, parent-child relationship, and democracy and liberty. It can be used to measure elementary school parents’ creative rearing attitude. 2. Elementary school parents prefer children with characteristics of EQ. 3. Elementary school parents believe that creative trait is a characteristic of children with creativity. 4. Elementary school parents’ belief of creativity tends to favor incremental belief rather than fixed belief. 5. Most of elementary school parents’ creative rearing attitudes are positive. 6. Regarding parents’ preference perception towards children’s characteristics and the relationship among other three factors: implicit theory of creativity, perceived creativity and creative rearing attitudes, no significant difference are found among parents from different classes. 7. A significant positive correlation is found in elementary school parents’ preference perception towards children’s characteristics and perceived creativity. 8. Another significant positive correlation is also found in independent thinking (one aspect of creative rearing attitude) and creative trait (one aspect of preference of children’s characteristics). 9. No correlation is found regarding to preference of children’s characteristics and implicit theory of creativity. 10. No correlation is found regarding perceived creativity and implicit theory of creativity. 11, No correlation is found regarding perceived theory and rearing attitudes. A further discussion for future research and practical work to promote creativity education is being provided at the end of this study.



創造力, 創造力信念, 創造力知覺, 教養態度, creativity, implicit theory of creativity, perceived creativity, rearing attitudes





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