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本研究採敘事探究,旨在瞭解女性自閉症者於成人生涯轉銜之際,在其生命經驗與生涯轉銜決定/抉擇相關的重要生活事件,藉深度訪談瞭解兩位正值成人生涯轉銜之際的大學女性自閉症者,在其一路以來的生涯轉銜歷程裡,從其個人對於自我與環境的感受與觀點,進而探討其自我的決定/抉擇於整體生涯轉銜歷程的意義。經資料蒐集、分析與詮釋後,分別呈現兩位參與者個人的敘事故事,再進一步歸納統整研究結果。主要發現如下: 兩位研究參與者對其生活經驗與生涯決定/抉擇,各自有其獨樹一幟的感受與觀點,個人與環境之間彼此互動相互影響。大抵而言,在她們的生活經驗裡,「與環境互動的正/負向交流」、「關鍵或重要的環境他人/角色」、「個人對自我與障礙的瞭解/覺察」等,影響著其對於生涯決定/抉擇的思量;而透過其個人對於生活經驗的詮釋,則反映著其在生涯決定/抉擇背後,有其「嘗試探索可能極限」、「經驗意義分享交流」等核心意義。 本研究結果呈現以下意涵:對於兩位參與研究的「女性」自閉症者而言,在其一路以來的生涯轉銜歷程裡,縱然其生活經驗或受障礙影響而有所殊異,然而其對生涯決定/抉擇的想望追尋乃人之常情。而此研究所呈現的女性自閉症者生涯轉銜歷程、生活經驗樣貌及其與生涯決定/抉擇之間的互動關係,或能提供現場實務有其正向參考價值,期待未來研究進一步探索。
The study adopts the narrative inquiry approach to explore the career transition process of two college girls with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Through in-depth interviews, from "self and environment" to "their personal thoughts and feelings", the girls takes us on a journey to examine the meaning of life and their own decision/choice in their overall career transition process. After data collection, analysis and interpretation, the narrative stories of the two girls are presented separately. The conclusions in this narrative inquiry are as follow: A range of issues were highlighted covering individual and environmental domains. Some of the issues were similar to those experienced by typical development adolescents, and other issues discussed were of particular relevance to girls with ASD. This study highlights an important research area and is a preliminary step towards understanding the experiences of college girls with ASD.



女性, 自閉症, 大學, 生涯轉銜, 敘事探究, college girl, ASD, career transition, narrative inquiry

