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觀眾人數的多寡是球團的經營指標之一,不僅會影響到球場周邊的衍生經濟效益,亦會影響到球員在場內的態度,因此瞭解觀眾的影響因素,並利用這些資訊尋求最佳的經營方式,是各球團的重要課題 (莊忠柱、陳天賜與姚為守,2004)。研究目的為:一、探討中華職棒觀眾人數之各項影響因素為何。二、探討中華職棒觀眾人數影響因素與美國、日本及韓國相異之處為何。本研究參考過去美國職棒、日本職棒、韓國職棒以及中華職棒相關研究後,並考慮臺灣地理環境與氣候,使用加權平均人口、每人實質所得水準、實質門票價格、新建場館比賽場數比率、競爭平衡、該季勝率、半季冠亞軍、下半季賽程、因雨延賽場數比率、兩聯盟抗衡、簽賭事件、旅美場數,共合計12個自變項。以線性迴歸方程式分析中華職棒1990-2016年每年每隊上下半季例行賽平均每場觀眾人數,樣本總計258筆。迴歸結果解釋變異量達88.4%,研究結果顯示實質門票價格以及新建場館比賽場數比率對觀眾人數呈顯著正相關。每人實質所得水準、下半季賽程、因雨延賽場數比率、競爭平衡率、兩聯盟抗衡、簽賭事件以及臺灣旅美球星比賽場數則對觀眾人數呈顯著負相關。
To understand the factors of the attendance and use the information to seek the best the way of operation is an important subject of baseball organizations. The purpose of the study is as follows: (1) What are the factors that affect attendance of Chinese Professional Baseball League? (2) To investigate what are the differences between the facts that affect attendance of MLB, NPB, KBO and CPBL. There are 12 independent variables in this study. Using linear regression to analyze the facts affecting attendance of CPBL from 1990 to 2016. The proportion of variability explained by the model is 88.4%. The results show that the ticket price and the number of new stadiums are significantly positively correlated with the attendance of CPBL. The income of each person, the half season system, postponed by the rainy weather, competitive balance, two league contend, game-fixing scandals and the number of Taiwanese players’ game played in MLB, the number of visitors are significantly negatively correlated with the attendance of CPBL.
To understand the factors of the attendance and use the information to seek the best the way of operation is an important subject of baseball organizations. The purpose of the study is as follows: (1) What are the factors that affect attendance of Chinese Professional Baseball League? (2) To investigate what are the differences between the facts that affect attendance of MLB, NPB, KBO and CPBL. There are 12 independent variables in this study. Using linear regression to analyze the facts affecting attendance of CPBL from 1990 to 2016. The proportion of variability explained by the model is 88.4%. The results show that the ticket price and the number of new stadiums are significantly positively correlated with the attendance of CPBL. The income of each person, the half season system, postponed by the rainy weather, competitive balance, two league contend, game-fixing scandals and the number of Taiwanese players’ game played in MLB, the number of visitors are significantly negatively correlated with the attendance of CPBL.
中華職棒, 觀眾人數影響因素, 上下半季制度, CPBL, Factors Affecting Attendance, Half Season System