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本研究旨在瞭解企業員工休閒運動參與、工作壓力與職業倦怠之情形,研究者以A公司員工為研究對象,採問卷調查法進行全面普查,並以「企業員工休閒運動參與對工作壓力與職業倦怠之調查問卷」進行調查,共得有效問卷445份,採用描述性統計、卡方檢定、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關進行資料處理,主要研究發現如下:一、員工休閒運動以每週參與次數「1~2次」,每次參與時間「31~60分鐘」,參與地點「自家」,參與同伴「家人」和參與種類「健身類」等比例為最高。二、員工工作壓力可分為四個構面,以壓力程度排列依序為工作負荷、技術低度、角色模糊與角色衝突。 三、員工職業倦怠可分為三個構面,以倦怠程度排列依序為情緒耗竭、缺乏情感與成就低落。四、不同背景變項在休閒運動參與、工作壓力與職業倦怠皆有顯著差異情形。五、不同的休閒運動參與「次數」、「地點」與「同伴」在工作壓力達到顯著差異;而不同的休閒運動參與「次數」與「同伴」在職業倦怠也達到顯著差異。六、工作壓力與職業倦怠各因素構面皆呈現正相關情形,其中又以「角色模糊」與「缺乏情感」之間的相關值最高。本研究依據研究發現提出相關建議,以期望企業主能重視員工休閒運動,並做為未來企業推廣休閒運動的參考依據。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the conditions of leisure sports attending, job stress, and burnout in employees. The research participants enrolled from the A company adopted a questionnaire survey by using “Employees to attending Leisure Sports on the Job Stress and Burnout survey.” Four hundred and forty-five valid questionnaires were finished by the participants. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data collected from valid questionnaires. The main findings were as follows: first, in “Staff Leisure Sports,” it showed high proportion in item “1-2 times/week,” “31-60 minutes/time,” “home as location of leisure sports,” “family members as companions,” and “healthy body class as type of leisure sports.” Second, the four dimensions in “Staff Job Stress” arranged by degree of stress were the working load, the low technique, the role ambiguity and the role conflict, respectively. Third, the three dimensions in “Staff Burnout” arranged by degree of burnout were the emotional exhaustion, the depersonalization and the low personal accomplishment, respectively. Forth, participants with different backgrounds showed significant differences in variables of the leisure sports attending, the job stress and the burnout. Fifth, participants attending different kinds of leisure sports showed significant differences in three job stress variables, “times,” “location,” and “companions.” Also, participants attending different kinds of leisure sports showed significant differences in two burnout variables, “times” and “companions.” Sixth, all variables of job stress revelaed significant positive relations with those of burnout. In these, the highest positive relations was between the “role ambiguity” and “depersonalization.” In conclusion, according to the findings in this study, we suggest that the business owners can emphasize the importance of staff leisure sports. Otherwise, we afford some recommendations for the business owners to promote the leisure sports in their company in the future.



休閒運動, 工作壓力, 職業倦怠, Leisure Sports, Job Stress, Burnout





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