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本研究主要目的在探討桃園市國民中學特殊教育教師對特殊教育專業團隊服務之參與程度、滿意程度與困難程度。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為桃園市國民中學特殊教育教師,共188位,以自編之「桃園市國民中學特殊教育教師參與專業團隊服務現況調查問卷」作為研究工具。將所蒐集資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後比較法、積差相關等統計方法進行分析。本研究的結論如下: 一、特殊教育教師對專業團隊服務的參與程度為中上程度。 二、特殊教育教師對專業團隊服務的滿意程度為中上程度。 三、特殊教育教師對專業團隊服務的困難程度為中下程度,以家長的配合度低,無法確實執行專業人員所提供之建議的困難度最高。 四、不同性別、年齡、學歷、特教專業背景、特教服務年資、擔任職務背景變項之特殊教育教師對專業團隊服務的參與程度、滿意程度以及困難程度各有顯著差異。 五、特殊教育教師對專業團隊服務的「參與程度」、「滿意程度」「困難程度」三個層面有顯著相關存在。整體的參與程度和滿意程度呈現中度正相關;整體的參與程度和困難程度呈現低度負相關;整體的滿意程度和困難程度呈現高度負相關。 最後根據本研究之結果,提出對教育行政主管機關、師資培育單位、學校行政單位、特殊教育教師及未來研究等各方面提出相關建議。
The main purpose of this study was to understanding the participation, satisfaction and difficulties of special education teachers of junior high schools to participate in special education collaborative team in Taoyuan City. Questionnaire was the main method in this study. The data was obtained from 188 special education teachers by self-designed questionnaire “The current situation of special education teachers of junior high schools to participate in special education collaborative team in Taoyuan City”. The obtained data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe, product-moment correlation. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1.The level of special education teachers’ participation in the service of special education collaborative team was above average. 2.The level of special education teachers’ satisfaction to special education collaborative team was above average. 3.The level of special education teachers’ difficulties in the service of special education collaborative team was below average. The most difficult part was too lower degree of parents’ participation in the recommended execution from special education collaborative team’s staff. 4.Different six, age, educational level, professional background, years of service and positions of special education teachers showed significant difference in the level of participation, satisfaction or difficulties on special education collaborative team’s service. 5.There were significant correlation among “the participation of special education teachers”, ” the satisfaction of special education collaborative team’s service”, and “the difficulties faced by special education teachers in processing special education collaborative team’s service” three aspects. The overall level of participation and satisfaction presented a medium positive correlation. The overall level of participation and difficulties presented a low negative correlation. The overall level of satisfaction and difficulties presented a high negative correlation. Finally, according to the result of this study, the suggestions on the educational administrative agency, teacher-training agencies school administration units, and special education teachers, and future research were offered.



特殊教育教師, 專業團隊服務, 參與程度, 滿意程度, 困難程度, special education teachers, collaborative team service, participation, satisfaction, difficulty





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