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本研究主要探討「七巧板創意教學方案」對幼兒創造力表現之影響。量的方面採準實驗研究法,以臺北市某國小附設幼稚園平均年齡五歲之幼兒為研究對象。實驗組二十九名幼兒每週進行二次實驗教學活動,共計十六次。對照組二十七名幼兒未進行實驗處理。以 「臺北市幼兒創造力測驗」為工具,測得資料以單因子共變數分析,分別進行假設的考驗。研究結果實驗組幼兒在「圖形流暢力」、「圖形變通力」、「圖形獨創力」之得分顯著優於對照組。 質的方面以教師教學記錄、影音紀錄、學習單與作品等工具,分析教學歷程和作品的創造力表現。獲致以下結論: 一、擴散性思考問題的提問,有助幼兒流暢力的提升。 二、成功的思考經驗使幼兒產生穩定愉悅的情緒。 三、競賽性活動和闖關活動能激發幼兒冒險、挑戰的人格特質。 四、具暗喻性的繪本和對話能激發幼兒的好奇心。 五、幼兒對操作材料的深入探索有助發揮創造力。 六、鼓勵幼兒對作品命名或描述,能提升語文創造力與想像力。 七、教學實驗中幼兒的作品與表現具有創造力。
The research was developed a set of “tangram creativity teaching plan” to dective the result of such a program increasing children’s graphic creativity. The research adopts guasi-experimental study method and children from junior classes of kindergarten affiliated to a Taipei city primary school are being the sample as the target of research. There are 29 children in the experimental group and 27 children in the comparing group. Those 29 children in the experimental group have received teaching activity twice a week, and the teaching activity consists of 16 units. Those 27 children in the comparing group without an experimental treatment. The tool of the research is “Taipei City Children Creativity Test”, and information thus obtained is analyzed by using single-factor common-variable and tested by using hypothesis respectively. The results of the research is the experimental group are superior to the comparing group in the marks of “graphic fluency”, “graphic flexibility” and “graph originality ”. Qualitative research by the teaching record, video and picture record, study list and work, analysis teaching process and work creativity performance. Obtains the following conclusion: (1) the problem of divergent thinking questions that helps to help children to enhance fluency. (2) Successful thinking experience let children have stable and joyful moods. (3) Competition and passing activities raise children’s adventure and challenging personality characteristics. (4) Ametaphor of picture books and dialogue to stimulate children's curiosity. (5) children to explore in depth the operating materials will help creativity. (6) encourage the children to the works named or described, can enhance language creativity and imagination. (7) From teaching experiments, children’s works and expression are provided with creativity.



七巧板創意教學, 幼兒, 創造力, tangram creativity teaching plan, children, creativity





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