國中實施自行車教育之學習動機、滿意度 與成效之研究

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本研究旨在探討學校自行車教育對於學生學習動機、滿意度與成效之關係,以103學年度桃園市自行車教育之學校學生為研究對象,透過立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,獲得有效樣本數517份,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關分析進行資料處理分析,研究發現如下: 一、 學校自行車教育之學生以男生,一年級學生為多,而無參與自行車教育之學生,佔75.2%,家中有自行車者,佔86.7%,主要到校方式則是以走路為最多,佔37.3%。 二、 學校自行車教育實施現況對學生學習動機、滿意度與成效之現況,以學習動機的健康適能方面為最高、滿意度的教師專業與同儕關係,兩個構面相等,而成效上則是技能為最高。 三、 不同性別、年級與有無參與自行車教育的學生在學習動機上呈現顯著差異 四、 不同性別、年級與有無參與自行車教育的學生在學習滿意度上呈現顯著差異 五、 不同性別、年級與有無參與自行車教育的學生在學習成效上呈現顯著差異 六、 學習動機、滿意度與成效間呈現顯著的正相關。 本研究建議未來學校應開發參與自行車教育之潛在學生,並鼓勵學生多參與學校與政府及社區結合,所舉辦自行車教育相關活動,以精熟自行車認知、騎乘技能、簡易自行車維修方法與培養其興趣,使學生得以延續學習的滿意度與成效。
The research aimed to explore the relationships among student’s learning motivation, satisfaction and effectiveness for the bicycle education of school. The study was done with 517 valid questionnaires completed by the students of Taoyuan city bicycle education school in fall semester of 2014. Based on the descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA and correlation analysis, the results were as follows: The majority students of school bicycle education were first grade male. The percentage of students who didn’t join bicycle education was 75.2%, and students with bicycle at home was 86.7%. The main way to school was on foot. Among the aspects of learning motivation, satisfaction and effectiveness of bicycle education operate in school students, healthy of learning motivation is the highest. Satisfaction of teacher’s profession and peer relationship is equal. In effectiveness aspect, skill is the highest. Besides, students in different genders, grades, and join the bicycle education or not have highly correlated relationship among learning motivation, satisfaction and effectiveness. Also, learning motivation, satisfaction and effectiveness indicate a significant positive correlation. According to the results of this study, the research suggested schools should Increase more students to join the bicycle education and encourage students to join related activities held by school, community and government in the future. By familiar with bicycles recognition, riding skills, repair methods and form students’ interests to continue students learning satisfaction and effectiveness.



戶外教育, 行車安全, 課程, outdoor education, safe to ride, course

