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高齡者旅遊動機對旅遊資訊搜尋策略影響之研究 -以台北地區參與海外團體旅遊為例 完成年月:2009年7月 研 究 生:黃繼嫺 指導教授:李 晶 中文摘要 本研究旨在探討高齡者旅遊動機對旅遊資訊搜尋策略之影響,以自編問卷為調查工具,採問卷調查法進行調查工作。調查期間為2009年2月9日至3月10日期間,有效問卷達400份,有效回收率約為86.00%。所得資料經分析後,研究結論為:1.本研究受訪之「男性」高齡旅客較多;教育程度「國小」居多;婚姻狀況以「已婚」佔多數;經濟主要來源以「儲蓄」佔多數;居住狀況以「與配偶子女住」佔多數;旅遊時間以「7月」佔多數;旅遊天數平均數為「12天」,而中位數則是「11天」;旅遊花費平均數是「75,303元」,而中位數則是「65,000元」;旅遊目的地以「亞洲不含大陸香港澳門地區」最多高齡旅客前往;對旅行團成員熟悉程度多為「普通」。2.高齡旅客在旅遊動機方面傾向「社會性動機」較常驅使他們從事海外團體旅遊活動,其中又以「為了增進家人之間感情」最常是他們參與海外團體旅遊之原因;高齡旅客在旅遊資訊搜尋策略上,傾向「人際」構面的策略最常使用,其中又以「持續性親友」資訊來源最常運用。3.高齡者旅客性別、教育程度、婚姻狀況、經濟主要來源以及居住狀況對旅遊動機達到顯著差異;高齡者旅客性別、教育程度、婚姻狀況、經濟主要來源以及居住狀況對旅遊資訊搜尋策略達到顯著差異。4.高齡旅客旅遊動機集群與旅遊資訊搜尋結果有顯著差異;高齡旅客旅遊資訊搜尋策略集群與旅遊資訊搜尋結果有顯著差異。5.高齡旅客旅遊動機集群對旅遊資訊搜尋策略有顯著差異。而本研究結果提供給旅遊業者做參考,透過高齡者最常使用之旅遊資訊來源,針對不同旅遊動機之消費者推出符合其需求之旅遊行銷方案。 關鍵詞:高齡者、旅遊動機、旅遊資訊搜尋、團體旅遊
The study on The Effect of Tourist motivations to Traveling Information Search Strategy of the seniors’ of Taipei who participated in the overseas Group Tour Date: July, 2009 Student: Jih-Shyan Huang Adviser: Ching Li Abstract The goal of this research is to confer how tourist motivations of senior tourists affect traveling information searching strategy. Using surveys as researching tool, researching period is from 2009/2/9 to 2009/3/17. The number of valid survey would be 400 and the percentage of valid retrieves is 86.00%. After data analysis, the results of this study were: 1. The senior tourists which accepted this interview was a high portion of “male” ; “married” was a main group of the marriage status; “deposit savings” was the major economic source; living conditions are a high rate of “living with spouse and children”; main traveling period is in “July”; the mode of traveling days is “7 days” and as for the median is “11 days”; the mode of expense is “40,000 dollars” and as for the median is “65,000 dollars; ruling destination for senior tourists is “Asia, not including China, Hong Kong, and Macao”; and the familiar percentage for the participants of the tourist group is “average”. 2. The motivation of senior tourists tends to relate to “society motivation”, and among these motivations, “to increase family relationship” came out as a common reason for them to travel abroad; senior tourists have the tendency to use “interpersonal aspect” as a main source for their traveling information search strategy, and the traveling information which is most likely to be taken are mostly from “continuous relatives and friends”. 3. Senior tourist’s gender, education degree, marriage status, main economic source, and living status had significant difference on traveling motivations. Senior tourist’s gender, education degree, marriage status, main economic source, and living status also had significant difference on the traveling information searching strategy. 4. Senior tourist’s tourist motivation groups had significant difference on the result of traveling information searching. 5. Senior tourist’s motivation groups had significant difference on traveling information searching strategy. The results of this research can provide a reference to the tourist industry, through the common methods which senior tourist uses, to draft different programs for different traveling motivations. Keywords: senior, tourist motivation, traveling information searching strategy,group travel



高齡者, 旅遊動機, 旅遊資訊搜尋, 團體旅遊, senior, tourist motivation, traveling information searching strategy, group travel





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