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運動管理學術領域自2002年提出運動善因行銷 (Cause-related Sport Marketing) 概念之後,國外學者便開始投入相關研究之中,反觀國內運動管理領域,對於善因行銷議題之研究仍屬少見。本研究目的有三,首先,探討中華職棒善因行銷相關歷程與脈絡,瞭解形成善因行銷背後的意義;其次,瞭解中華職棒善因行銷與非營利組織之合作關係;最後,探究中華職棒執行善因行銷之現行困境與球迷對此行銷之看法。本研究以質性研究方法進行分為兩階段,第一階段為文本分析法,蒐集相關報紙瞭解中華職棒公益活動發展脈絡。第二階段半結構式訪談法,受訪對象為曾參與相關公益活動之職棒、非營利組織與球迷等共15人。 中華職棒元年即有公益活動出現於媒體的報導上,善因行銷活動形成之初受聯盟成立宗旨影響,因時空背景不同而產生各式且多元的善因行銷方式。球員所推行之善因行銷,多半源自華人文化儒家思想的「為善不欲人知」,形成其利他主義之行為;球團為建立其市場區隔及多樣性,多為短期之聯合促銷活動,透過媒體報導下,進而產生「拋轉引玉」之概念而形成「平台」結合非營利組織、企業,形成獨特之合作關係。而雙方在合作過程中,受限於市場規模及經費不足之關係,導致宣傳管道較為單一,此外,職棒聯盟與非營利組織間並無契約關係,導致雙方在合作上的變數及談判空間較小。建議在實務經營上,應建立契約化之合作關係,即早為相關活動進行規劃與安排,並提升球迷的參與之機會進行互動,妥善運用合作組織間之資源,於新媒體平台上宣導相關議題。
Many researchers have involved in studies which are relating to cause-related sport marketing (CRSM) after this concept was mentioned in sport management filed in 2002, Nevertheless, this topic has been rarely seen in Taiwan. This study has three purposes, firstly, exploring the formation of cause activities in Chinese baseball professional league (CPBL). Consequently, understanding the relation of collaboration between CPBL and non-profit organization (NPO). Finally, comparing the view of CRSM in CPBL, NPO and fans. The research methods of this study are based on textual analysis and semi-structured interviews, and a total of 15 respondents who participated in long-term CRSM. The first charitable activity was hosted in the first year of CPBL, that was influenced on the purpose of league establishment, and CRSM are designed in diverse strategies because of the difference of spatiotemporal environment. It is a various reason in CRSM strategies between the players and owners, the former has derived from the Confucianism that similar the altruism, the latter prefer the short-term campaign in order to establish the market segment, and built an invisible ‘platform’ through the media to attract potential sponsors. Lack of funding is the main problem during the collaboration that led to the promotion is simple, moreover, there is no official contract during their collaboration period. The suggestion is CPBL should be in the official contract with NPO so that planning and arranging the CRSM are early, in addition, to enhance opportunities for fans to participate so as to strengthen the customer relationship.



中華職棒, 善因行銷, 運動善因行銷, 企業社會責任, Chinese professional baseball league, cause-related marketing, cause-related sport marketing, corporate social responsibility

