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本研究目的旨在探討人際發展介入方案運用在低功能自閉症青少年身上之可行性,以提升其社會互動技能,包含社會參照與調控自己觀察周遭並配合他人的能力。研究對象為一位特殊教育學校國中部的低功能自閉症青少年,研究者採行動研究法進行7個活動主題,研究時程歷時近一年,包括初始摸索階段、執行參照階段與執行中後階段,共19次的介入。 研究者即為研究工具,教學執行者、引導者與觀察者,協同研究者為個案導師、個案家長及研究夥伴,藉由行動研究的反思歷程,因應低功能自閉症青少年特質調整教學策略,輔以質性與量化資料檢證分析。 本研究有以下幾點結果發現: 一、人際發展介入方案可有效提升個案的社會參照與調控能力,並透過參照調控能力的練習,影響其它社會性特質的進展。 二、透過方案,個案在社交互動技巧的能力有明顯的成長,包括提升在社會互動的主動、自信心及自我決定能力。 三、個案接受方案後,能減少其行為問題並增進情緒穩定性,包括行為問題的合理轉移及正向情緒的延續。 四、方案進行過程中,執行者需不斷具備等待與彈性調整的思維,教學設計上也須考量個案社交認知特質調整策略。 五、人際發展介入方案對於提昇低功能自閉症青少年之社會互動確有可行性,教學時應把握RDI課程設計的關鍵要素。 六、一對一進行介入效果最佳,研究場域進行RDI教學則須仰賴協同教學的效果較好,對於維持課程的趣味性也相當重要。 根據研究結果與反思,提出幾點建議,茲作為未來人際發展介入方案相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this research was to explore the feasibility of "Relationship Development Intervention Program (RDI)" for enhancing low-functioning autistic teenager’s social interaction skills, including social reference and co-regulation abilities. The Participant in this research is a low-functioning autistic teenage student at junior high school program in a special educational school. Researcher conducted methods based on action research to process seven themes, including exploration phase, implementation phase and maintenance phase, 19 interventions in total, which lasted 11 months. The research findings are as following: 1. RDI program effectively improves participant’s social referencing and co-regulation abilities, as well as some of his/her other characteristics of social skills. 2. RDI program improves participant’s social interaction skills, including enhancement of his/her activeness, confidence, and self-determination. 3. After accepted the RDI program, participant’s behavioral problems were reduced and transferred into continuous positive emotion. 4. During conducting RDI program, the executive needs to be patient, flexible thinking, and considers to adjust strategies coping to participant’s social characteristics. 5. RDI program promotes low-functioning autistic teenager’s social interaction skills. 6. One-on-one intervention works best for participants. Conducting RDI program relies on co-teaching. Based on above findings and reflection, some suggestions were made for future research. Keyword: low-functioning autistic teenager, Relationship Development Intervention Program (RDI), social referencing



低功能自閉症青少年, 人際發展介入方案, 社會參照, low-functioning autistic teenager, Relationship Development Intervention Program (RDI), social referencing





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