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本研究目的主要有四:一為了解國中生學習英語的困擾;二為探討國中生適用的「創意英語課堂教學」的方法與策略;三為評估「創意英語課堂教學」實施後,學生英語學習表現轉變的情形;四為省思研究者在實施教學過程中,個人在課程設計與教學方法上專業成長的情形。 研究方法採用準實驗研究法的不等組前後測設計。研究對象為國中學生,實驗組17人,對照組18人。研究時間為期兩年。研究工具包括新生入學英語測驗卷、段考考卷、學生學習經驗問卷、國中生英語科學習態度量表、課程回饋單及教師教學省思札記。資料處理與分析兼採質性與量化的方式,包括單因子共變數分析、多變量共變數分析及內容分析。 本研究之結果如下:一、「創意英語課堂教學」提升學生英語成績:實驗組學生在「段考英語科成績」上的表現優於對照組學生,且達顯著差異。二、「創意英語課堂教學」增加學生英語學習態度:實驗組學生在「國中生英語科學習態度量表」的表現優於對照組學生,且在總分與「對英語之專心學習」分量表,達到顯著差異。三、學生肯定「創意英語課堂教學」對英語學習的幫助。四、研究者在實施「創意英語課堂教學」過程中,無論在課程設計、班級經營上,皆有所成長。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出具體建議,作為英語教學及未來相關研究之參考。
This study aims at the following goals:(1) to explore the difficulties of the junior high students in learning English; (2) to design some suitable ways and strategies to the “Creative English Teaching in Class” for the junior high students;(3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the “Creative English Teaching in Class” and to analyze the changes in English learning of the junior high students; (4) to review how the researcher made professional progress in the personal curriculum planning and teaching strategies. The research employs the method of an unequal group pretest-posttest. This study deals with the experimental group 17 people and the control group 18 people of junior high school students, and adopt them in the process of the instruction for two years. The research tools include: the English entrance examination, the monthly examinations, the survey for English learning experience, the English learning attitude scale for junior high school students, the feedback sheet, the notes of the researcher’s reflection. The collected data were analyzed by Independent Samples one-way ANCOVA, one-way MANCOVA and content analysis. As a result, the conclusion of this study are as follows: (1) Students’ English achievements were raised after applying the Creative English Teaching in Class. The performance in the monthly examinations of the experimental group is much better than that of the control group, and the scores between the two groups are significantly different. (2) Students’ attitudes toward English learning were improved after applying the Creative English Teaching in Class. In the English learning attitude scale for junior high school students, the performance of the experimental group is much better than that of the control group. The scores are significantly different in total scales, and in “Concentrate on English Learning” subscale. (3) The students were satisfied with the help of the Creative English Teaching in Class for their English learning. (4) The researcher made progress in the professional knowledge, as well as curriculum planning and teaching strategies through the Creative English Teaching in Class. Finally, according to the results, this research may provide additional advice for further improvement within the field that may benefit future researchers and other teachers.



創意教學, 英語學習表現, creative teaching, English learning performance

