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在過往的歷史教育裡,都以傳統的講述知識教學為主體,直到2007年開始有核心概念「翻轉教育」的出現,佐藤學的「學習共同體」、張輝誠的「學思達」等等的教育概念被提出,呈現百花齊放的盛況,傳統的教學方式受到挑戰,新的教學方法跟概念開始被應用於課堂之中去做嘗試,主要從打破課本的限制,由老師來做教材的編撰,用故事性或主題性的方式做教學,教學方法的部分則是希望能和學生的生命經驗產生連結,讓學生能夠感受、思考歷史的存在,從而具有歷史資料判讀能力與歷史意識,成為十二年國教中所說具有「歷史素養」的國民。 除了新的教學方法跟教學理念之外,新的科技也被應用於歷史教學之中,如網路上的歷史知識影片,又如應用電子白板與投影教學,讓學生不僅止於從文字中獲得知識,從圖片及影片中也能獲得知識並促進思考。 本文主要想突破傳統的教學方式,用歷史「桌遊」的方式,也是桌「遊歷」史的方式,讓學生直接從實際的遊戲體驗中學習,運用合作學習法、遊戲教學法及體驗教育的方式讓學生達到更深刻且更有成效的學習效果,讓學生成為學習的主體,在團隊中互相幫助與競爭。論文主要分成書面論文與實體論文兩個部分,書面論文主要呈現創作理念、運用方法與遊戲內容,實體論文的部分則是完成製作後,實際應用於課堂當中,從學生的學習過程與成果來做成效評估。
In the past history education, the traditional knowledge-telling teaching was the main body. Since 2007, the concept of “flipped education" has appeared, such as Manabu Sato’s learning community and Zhang Huicheng’s Learning Star. The new teaching methods has been widely spread, while the traditional teaching methods were gradually challenged. The purpose of history education in 12-year compulsory education is to equip students with historical literacy, which aims to enable them to interpret historical data, have historical awareness, and even connect their life experiences with the existence of history. In addition to new teaching methods and teaching concepts, new technology has also been applied to history teaching, such as historical knowledge videos on the Internet and electronic whiteboards, allowing students to not only gain knowledge from textbooks but also from the Internet.This article mainly intends to break through traditional teaching methods by using the historical "board game" method, which is also a method of table "touring" history. With cooperative learning method, game teaching method and experiential education, students can learn directly from the actual game experience. The method also allows students to have highly effective learning techniques, guide them to become the main body of learning, and help each other compete on the team. The essay is mainly divided into two parts: written essay and Board Game. The written essay mainly presents the creative concept, application method and game content. The physical essay is later applied in the classroom after the production is completed, which will be finally evaluated by the learning process and student learning outcomes.



歷史, 原住民, 史前, 桌遊, 部落, History, aboriginals, prehistoric, board games, tribes





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