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于右任(1879-1964)基於時代所需,窮畢生之力推廣草書,面對草書形構繁雜的現象,他企圖以〈凡例〉為綱領、〈標準草書千字文〉做為字例,來為草書「立定標準形構」,讓學習者能夠有一條明確、有效率的學習進路,也能夠在日常生活中讀得懂、寫得出草書;進而改善漢字(楷書)書寫費時的狀況,以節省時間。  然而《標準草書》所建構的學習模式,依舊採取「記憶形構」之習草方式。這樣的模式對於學習者來說,並未解決學習草書時,那些「知其然,不知其所以然」的狀況;草書並沒有因為他的推廣而普及成通行天下的手寫體。  其實草書的變化有理可循。學習者只要掌握變化的邏輯,面對草書時,無論形構如何紛亂,都能夠「知其理、明其變」,並且能識、能寫、能合理運用草化邏輯來變化字形。  因此,本文嘗試藉由疏解《標準草書.凡例》入手,希望能讓學人在選擇《標準草書》作為草書教材時,除了記憶標準形構之外,亦藉由理解各個形構的來源及其草化原理,以及標準形構所存在的不合理之處,作為學習參照點。  全文共分五章:第一章〈緒論〉作為本文架構之說明。第二章〈《標準草書》的體例與修訂歷程〉說明《標準草書》全書的編撰體例、各版本間的修訂歷程以及〈凡例〉在本書中的重要性,使讀者對《標準草書》有一定的認識。第三章〈部首、代表符號與草書簡化原則〉先行疏解〈通例〉,以確立《標準草書》的草書標準所在;而後從〈雜例〉的疏解來分析隱藏在《標準草書》背後的「草書簡化原則」;最後則說明這套「草書簡化原則」其實暗合於歷代草書教材共築而成的學習模式。第四章〈分例六十四字符疏證〉中,將以「草書簡化原則」為主,輔以〈通例〉、〈雜例〉,來疏解〈分例〉中的64個代表符號,並提出筆者的看法供讀者參考。第五章〈結論〉總結本文研究
Based on the needs of times, Yu You-Ren (1879-1964) puts a lifelong effort to promoting cursive script. Faced with the complex phenomenon of the cursive script forms, he attempted to use “Fan-li” (meant as “explanatory notes”) as the guiding principle and “Biao Zhun Cao-Shu Qian-Zi Wen” (also known as “The Standard Cursive Script of Thousand Character Classic”) as the word example, to establish a standard structure for cursive script, it enables learners have a clear and efficient learning approach, also can read and write cursive script in daily life, in order to saving time by the improvement of the time consuming situation in writing Chinese characters (in regular script).However, the cursive script learning mode constructed by Standard Cursive Script is still adopt the “memory glyphing” practice method. This method for learners did not solve the situation of “know the how’s but not the whys” when learning cursive script; so that the cursive script has not become more popular handwriting in the world because of their promotions.In fact, the changes of cursive script are reasonable and connectable. As long as the learner master the reason for change, no matter how chaotic the formation is, they can “know the principium and understand the change” and be able to read, write, and apply the principle of cursive simplification reasonably to change the glyph.Therefore, this thesis begin attempts to interpret Biao Zhun Cao-Shu: Fan-li (“The Explanatory Notes of Standard Cursive Script”), it is hope that when learners choose Standard Cursive Script as a cursive script teaching material, in addition to memorise standard glyph, it also serves as a reference point for learning by understanding the source of each glyph with its cursive principle and the unreasonableness of the standard glyph.This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One “Introduction”, as a description of the structure of this thesis; Chapter Two “The Regulations and The Revision Process of Standard Cursive Script”, to explains the compiling regulations of the Standard Cursive Script with the revision process between different editions and the importance of “Fan-li” in this book, so that readers have a certain understanding of Standard Cursive Script; Chapter Three “Radicals, Symbols and The Simplification Principle of Cursive Script”, in this chapter will interpret “Tong-li” (meant as “general notes”) first to establish the standard of cursive script in Standard Cursive Script, then analyse the “the principle of simplification cursive script” that hidden behind in the Standard Cursive Script from the interpretation of “Za-li” (meant as “miscellaneous notes”), lastly this set of “the principle of simplification cursive script” will be explained actually coincides with the learning model built by the cursive script teaching materials of the ages; Chapter Four “64 Radicals Documentary Evidences In Different Notes (‘Fen-li’)”, it will focus on “General Notes” (“Tong-li”) and “Miscellaneous Notes” (“Za-li”), supplemented with “the principle of simplification cursive script”, to interpret 64 representative symbols in “Different Notes” (“Fen-li”) and provide the author’s opinions for readers’ reference; Chapter Five “Conclusion” summarises the research of this thesis.



標準草書, 凡例, 于右任, 草書簡化, 草書學習, 草書, Biao Zhun Cao-Shu (“Standard Cursive Script”), Fan-li (explanatory notes), Yu, You-Ren, simplified cursive script, learning of cursive script, cursive script





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