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專業證照制度有助於建立職業尊嚴及專業服務倫理,一般認為透過推行國家職業資格證照制度法制化,可確保服務品質。我國第8次全國教育會議,而「推動運動專業證照制度之研議」作為焦點議題之一。本研究目的對現行水域救生員證制度整理渠內涵,釐清前開體育專業人員證照制度上法制化之不同定位,並提供渠等證照制度後續法制化之發展方向。按現行制度,中央主管機關訂定相關規範審查通過後,而與之簽定行政契約,委託民間水域救生團體辦理檢定及複訓業務。本文係以「質性研究」之「文件分析法」及「半結構式訪談法」作為研究方法,各該訪談對象分別涵蓋直接相關行政機關各該決策人員、規劃執行人員及「水域救生員」發證機構主事人員等等,而訪談大綱編製,則係根據相關文獻及個人實務經驗等,並請相關學者專家進行信度效度檢定,同時對於「水域救生員」是否該當於《專門職業及技術人員考試法》而有納入「國家考試」之必要?抑或類似《職業訓練法》規定而具有「職業技能檢定」屬性之技術士?分別予以釐清。復經本研究資料分析及結果討論後,提出研究結果發現: 一、「水域救生員」授證制度之法制化,緣自「消費者權益」意識高漲而有所促成,經由法制化將檢定授證制度內容分別予以標準化,則有利提升證照品質。 二、「水域救生員」之定位,端視渠等之於不同時期場域及用途上各該行政作用法 法規效用力度強弱,按水域活動管理法規業有明定業者聘僱「救生員」義務,且刑事判決均已採認「救生員」服勤而具有「保證人地位」義務主體,型塑「水域救生員」證照實質效用。 三、「水域救生員」相關法制發展,亦得於《國民體育法》下次研修,參考《消防法》第7條授權訂定消防設備師﹝士﹞資格管理法規命令體例而為水域遊憩安全提供全方位專業人力資源整體發展思維,供政府相關部門後續施政參考。 關鍵詞:水域救生員、體育專業證照制度、法制化
The professional certification system builds the dignity and ethics of professional services. Generally it ensures to rise the service quality to via the implementation of the legalization about the national professional qualification certificate systems, the resolution of the Eighth National Conference on Education in Taiwan 2010,recognized the supervisory measures and mechanisms of the system of the sports professionals certification will be improved, so the issue about "Promoting the System of the Sports Professionals Certification" is the focus of the Conference as mentioned above, For the purpose of this study is to systematize the content of the "water lifeguard" certification system ,in order to clarify and position the different types and legalizations of the sports professionals, includes the development direction of the legalization of the sports professionals as fellow. The current system in Taiwan is operated, the central government competent authority, the Ministry of Education(MOE, also),shall designate the regulations, after the relevant specifications determined and examined by Sports Administration, Ministry of Education(SAMOE, also),and signed the administrative-contracts with the private water-rescue organizations, entrusted the private water-rescue organizations handle the tests and retraining about the water lifeguard in Taiwan. This study is based on the qualitative research, including semi-structured interview" ,the interviewees were directly covered by the relevant administrative official, include the policy planners, executives and the clarks of the private water-rescue organizations as mentioned above, the preparation of the interview outline on this study were based on the relevant literature ,and the personal practices experience of the author, etc. The relevant experts and scholars test reliability and validity. Meanwhile the water lifeguard is deserved in the Professionals and Technicians Examinations Law and will be included the national examination or same as the Vocational Training Act and will be included the Vocational Skills Test in Taiwan? After data-analysis and results of the discussions on this study, the research results as follows: 一、The legalization of water lifeguard system, was promoted by the hoisting of the consumer rights, and standardize the content of the water lifeguard certification system to via the legalization in order to enhance the quality of favorable license. 二、The water lifeguard positioning depend on the other administrative functional law among the different times, such as the law and regulations about the management of the water recreation activities has the obligation rule about the employment of water lifeguard, and the criminal court judgments adjudicate that water lifeguard duty service is the Guarantor or suretyship, has formed a real substantial utility water lifeguard license; 三、When the next amendment of National Sports Law, maybe refer to the Section 7, Fire Services Act enacted authorization given the management style of the fire protection equipment engineer(including fire protection engineer and fire protection technician), provide the professional human resources for the overall policy development thinking about the water-recreation safety, to serve the relevant government departments for follow-up policy reference. Keywords: water lifeguard, sports professionals certification, Legalization



法制化, 水域救生員, 體育專業證照, Legalization, water lifeguard, sports professionals certification





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