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展覽活動已逐漸成為國內大學圖書館推廣服務中重要的工作項目之一。為瞭解大學生對於大學圖書館辦理展覽活動的參與狀況,以及對展覽內容、解說教育、呈現方式及預期功能的需求。本研究乃以國立台灣師範大學大學部學生為研究對象,依據文獻探討,採用研究者自編之「大學生對大學圖書館辦理展覽活動需求之研究」調查問卷為研究工具,進行調查。 研究結果發現: 一、大學生對大學圖書館展覽活動的參與經驗方面 台灣師大大學生在圖書館展覽活動的參與經驗上,儘管參觀頻率不高(以半年內參觀1-2次選項比例最高),且多數學生將參觀圖書館展覽,當作是到圖書館其他主要目的的附加活動,但是由整體對活動的需求平均數為4.10看,多數學生對圖書館的這項服務持肯定態度。 不同性別大學生在「訊息管道」、「透過網站觀賞虛擬展示頻率」、「參觀動機」、「參觀主題」上有顯著性差異。不同學院大學生則在「訊息管道」、「參觀動機」、「參觀主題」上有顯著性差異。 二、大學生對圖書館辦理展覽活動的內容、解說教育、呈現方式及預期功能需求方面台灣師大大學生對圖書館辦理的展覽活動,在內容方面,以「藝術類」主題需求最高,並認為圖書館應該「配合展覽辦理演講、研習等相關活動」;在展覽解說教育方面,對於圖書館應該「提供作品的詳盡解說」需求最高,方式上則以「展示說明牌及看板」為主;在展覽呈現方式方面,認為圖書館辦理的展覽應以「實體展示」為主;對展覽的預期功能方面,則以「希望能從活動中獲得舒坦身心、休閒娛樂效果」需求最高。 不同性別台灣師大大學生在展覽內容方面、解說教育方式方面、展覽呈現方式方面及對展覽的預期功能方面有顯著性差異。不同學院大學生則在展覽內容、解說教育、呈現方式、預期功能及對圖書館辦理展覽活動的需要性等各方面,都存在顯著性差異。 依據本研究結果,提出以下建議: 一、 對學校方面 (一) 學校應該有效規劃校園藝術空間,以提昇學生的藝術素養。 (二) 學校最好能將參觀展覽融入藝術賞析課程,以培養學生終身學習的習慣。 (三) 學校應該整合校內人力及空間資源,鼓勵學生運用學校展示空間,發表學習或研究成果。 二、 對圖書館方面 (一) 圖書館應該加強藝文展覽活動的宣傳,以突破訊息傳遞障礙。 (二) 圖書館應該多方瞭解學生興趣,作為安排展覽活動之參考依據, 以提昇學生參與頻率。 (三) 圖書館應該充實作品的解說內容,並且增加互動性的溝通管道。 三、 對後續研究的建議 (一) 擴展研究對象,使研究結果更臻精確。 (二) 深入觀眾研究其他領域,進一步探討學生對展覽規劃設計之意見,或進行參觀展覽學習成效的考驗。
As a part of the extension services of university libraries in Taiwan, exhibitions have grown in importance to become one of their major types of programs. The objectives of this study are to gain a deeper understanding of the degree to which university students in Taiwan participate in exhibitions organized by university libraries, as well as to investigate their demand regarding the content of exhibitions, guidance and educational activities, the method of presentation and expected functions. The study uses undergraduate students from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) as subjects; literature review is also included. For the tool of investigation, the study uses a survey questionnaire designed by the author, titled “A Survey for the Study of University Students’ Demand for Exhibitions Organized by University Libraries.” The findings of this study include the following: I. Regarding the experience of university students in participating in exhibitions organized by university libraries: The investigation on the experience of undergraduate students from NTNU in participating exhibitions held by university libraries finds that the frequency of viewing is not high (the highest proportion of subjects respond to the choice of viewing one to two per year) and that most students view library exhibitions as an extra activity added to the other main function of visiting the library. However, the average score of overall demand at 4.10 shows that most students hold a positive attitude toward this service provided by the library. University students of different genders show significant difference in “channels of information,” “motives for viewing,” “frequency of viewing virtual exhibitions on websites” and “themes of exhibitions viewed;” university students from different academies show significant difference in “channels of information,” “motives for viewing” and “themes of exhibitions viewed.” II. Regarding the demand of university students for library exhibitions in terms of exhibition content, guidance and educational activities, methods of presentation and expected functions In the survey on their demand for exhibitions organized by university libraries, undergraduate students from NTNU show the following preferences in various aspects: in the aspect of content, the highest demand is for the “fine arts” category; the students think that “libraries should offer speeches, seminars and other related activities to accompany the exhibitions.” In the aspect of exhibition guidance and educational activities, the highest proportion demand that libraries should “provide detailed explanation for the exhibition items;” as for how that should be done, the majority of the subjects favor “plaques with explanatory text and billboards.” In the aspect of presentation methods, most think that “physical exhibitions” should constitute the majority of library exhibitions. In the aspect of expected functions of the exhibitions, the highest demand is for “finding peace of body and mind, relaxation and entertainment.” Undergraduate students from NTNU of different genders show significant difference in their preferences for exhibition content, ways that guidance and education activities should be conducted, presentation methods exhibitions, and expected functions of exhibitions. NTNU undergraduate students from different academies display significant difference in preferences for all the following aspects: exhibition content, guidance and educational activities, methods of presentation, expected functions, and the overall necessity for libraries to organize exhibitions. Based on the findings of this study, we wish to make the following recommendations: I. Recommendations for the universities (1) Universities should make effective planning of its campus space from an artistic perspective to enhance the level of art literacy of the students. (2) Universities would do well by incorporating the viewing of exhibitions into the courses of art appreciation to help students shape their habit of lifelong learning in arts. (3) Universities should integrate the human and spatial resources in the school to promote programs that encourage students to exhibit the results of their learning or research using the public exhibition space on the campus. II. Recommendations for the libraries (1) To overcome barriers of information dissemination, libraries should improve their promotion campaigns forexhibitions. (2) To encourage students to participate in exhibitions more frequently, libraries should strive for a more complete understanding of their interests and plan the exhibitions accordingly. (3) Libraries should improve the explanatory material accompanying the exhibition items and enhance the communication functions and interactivity of exhibitions. III. Recommendation for future studies on this subject (1) Expansion on the coverage of subjects for higher precision in study results. (2) More in-depth research into other domains of audience study; further exploration of students’ opinions regarding the planning and design of exhibitions, or tests on the results of learning from viewing exhibitions.



大學圖書館, 圖書館展覽, 推廣服務, University Library, Library Exhibition, Extension Services





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