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本研究旨在探討高中職視覺障礙學生之人際適應情形,並瞭解其影響因素。本研究對象由以就讀台北市公私立高中職之一二年級視覺障礙學生19人,另外於視障學生班級中選出同性別之配對學生19人。研究者使用涂春仁所發展之社交測量軟體編製「社交計量問卷」和自編之「人際知能問卷」。所得資料經整理後,以平均數、標準差及百分比進行統計分析。主要結果如下: 一、在不同提名條件之下,視覺障礙學生之社交地位有些許差異,在校外教學提名下約有七成左右是在「被拒絕」與「被忽視」,「普通」佔兩成左右;在分組學習提名下約有八成九是在「被拒絕」與「被忽視」,「普通」和「受爭議」約佔一成。 二、視覺障礙學生在「校外教學」及「分組學習」的提名條件下,被拒絕理由分類主要多集中負向人際特質及負向自我相關,會因提名條件不同而略有增減。在總提名次數上,視覺障礙學生在「校外教學」及「分組學習」的提名條件下較無明顯差距。 三、視覺障礙學生在「校外教學」及「分組學習」的提名條件下,受歡迎理由分類主要為正向人際特質及正向自我相關,未因提名條件不同而有不同。在總提名次數上,視覺障礙學生在「校外教學」及「分組學習」的提名條件下差異不大。 四、在「校外教學」提名條件下視覺障礙學生負向理由前三高人次為:孤僻、不合群、自以為是。正向理由前三高人次為:為人著想、幽默風趣、善解人意。 五、在「分組學習」提名條件下,視障組負向理由前三高人次為:孤僻、不負責任、自以為是。正向理由前三高人次為:幽默風趣與善解人意、為人著想、遵守規範和願意傾聽。 六、視障學生在人際關係之人際覺察與對照組學生沒有太大差異。兩提名條件之自評與同儕提名其一致性約三成至四成左右。 最後依研究結果,對於視覺障礙學生之研究與輔導實務提出幾點建議。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the the social status of the students with visually impairment and the major reasons for. A questionnaire was developed to gather the students with visual impairment and their classmates . Two groups of sample were selected from senior high schools in Taipei. They were all matched by the same class and gender. The sociometry was administrated in two criterion: grouping for leisure and work. Tu’s PC version of sociometry was used to analyze the social status . The reasons for the nomination were also added for analysis. The data was analyzed with mean, standard deviation, percentage and so on. Theresults are as follows: 1. In the leisure criterion, the social status for the students with visual impairment approximately is seventy percent on “being rejected” and ”being ignored”, twenty percent is on ”regular”. In the work criterion, the social status for the students with visual impairment approximately is eighty-nine percent on “being rejected” and ”being ignored”, ten percent is on ”regular” and “controversial”. 2. In tow criterion, the reasons for the nomination were classified major in negative interpersonal-characteristics and negative-personalities; positive interpersonal-characteristics and positive-personalities 3. The positive and negative reasons for the nomination in leisure criterion for the students with visual impairment are as follow: considerate, humorous, understanding; lonely, uncooperative, self-righteous. 4. The positive and negative reasons for the nomination in work criterion for the students with visual impairment are as follow: considerate and humorous ,understanding, compliance and willing to listen to; lonely, Irresponsible, self-righteous. 5. The interpersonal relationships perceived by visually impairment students appeared insignificantly different from their peers. However, the interpersonal perception of the students with visual impairment in two criterion compared with social status and the evaluation toward themselves was thirty to forty percent. Based on the study result, some suggestions are proposed for the further advanced studies.



視覺障礙, 社交計量, 社交地位, 人際知覺, 人際適應, visual impairment, sociometry, social status, interpersonal perception, interpersonal relationships

