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台灣是一島國且位處西太平洋東亞島弧中樞位置,在亞太地區不論是經貿運輸或戰略要地都有其重要地位,國際貿易為其生存經濟命脈,所有對外貿易渠道必須依賴海空運的方式,而海運及空運兩大產業順理成章成為其生存命脈的關鍵重要產業,承攬運送業因應趨勢於海空運產業中應運而生。隨著世界經濟貿易的活絡、兩岸政治經濟的開放交流,承攬運送業業務的拓展也必須跟隨著產業貨主至海外設立分公司,因應管理的需求及業務的拓展,必須派遣外派人員至各分公司經營及管理。 承攬運送業外派人員的需求不斷增加,外派人員派至外派國後會碰到工作、生活上的適應問題,若企業能提供外派人員協助,有效的去克服適應的問題,可以大幅降低外派人員折損造成外派人員本身及企業的傷害。本研究以探討承攬運送業外派人員及其眷屬在外派期間社會網絡的研究,以社會網絡的社會關係特性探討個案能夠在外派國適應良好的關鍵因素,針對關鍵因素做出研究結論給予承攬運送業及企業建議。 本研究以承攬運送業I集團外派至中國上海及越南海防的外派人員及其眷屬為研究對象,以半結構式訪談法,將社會網絡的社會關係特性與訪談內容作質化分析得出研究結果。研究結果發現社會關係特性-同質性、互惠性、持久性、親密性、關係的強度及關係的品質等正向的支持對於外派人員初期的適應有很大的幫助,能夠縮短適應外派生活的時間;另外,外派人員的眷屬能夠陪同外派人員至外派地生活並且本身也可以建立正向的社會網絡關係,對於外派人員的生活有充分的支持,能夠讓外派人員無後顧之憂,在工作上全力以赴。 關鍵字:承攬運送業、外派人員、社會網絡、社會關係
Taiwan is an island located in the center of western Pacific, which is a strategic positioning for international transportation. The international trade which supports the economy of the country relies on either sea or air transport. Therefore, the freight forwarding has became the key role of the transportation industry. The freight forwarding companies have expended and set subsidiaries overseas with the world trade becoming more prosperous and the regulations in China becoming friendlier. Expatriates would have difficulties adapting themselves to work and new life when first arriving at a foreign country. It would be better for expatriates and company if the company could properly assist expatriates to overcome the adaption problem. This research focuses on relationship characteristics of social networks, which explores the critical factors affecting expatriates and their families’ social networks when dispatched abroad. We took the expatriates working for the freight forwarder “group I” in Shanghai, China and Vietnam and also their families as the research subjects. We got the conclusions that the relationship characteristics of social networks including homogeneity, reciprocity, persistence, intimacy, the intensity of relationship and the quality of the relationship positively support the expatriates to adapt themselves to the foreign countries when they first arrived. In addition, if the family members could keep the expatriates company, then they could build a positive social network, which also positively affects the expatriates’ adaption to work, and life in foreign countries. Keywords: freight forwarder, expatriate, social network, social relationship



承攬運送業, 外派人員, 社會網絡, 社會關係, freight forwarder, expatriate, social network, social relationship

