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 本研究旨在探討遊戲化班級經營對於國小學生創造力與學習表現之影響,並探討兩組學生在創意傾向、創意表現、學習動機、學習成就的差異。本研究以準實驗研究法對於國小四年級學童進行11週的遊戲化班級經營實驗,遊戲化班級經營之實驗組44人、傳統班級經營之控制組42人。研究工具包括威廉斯創造性傾向量表、新編創造思考測驗、國中小學習動機量表、學期評量,另有教師觀察學生對於學習動機、態度之簡述敘述、學生心得回饋。本研究透過單因子共變數分析檢驗上述問題,研究結果如下: 一、實驗組在創造傾向之冒險、好奇、想像、挑戰等向度皆顯著優於控制組。 二、在新編創造思考測驗的語文部份,實驗組於流暢性、變通性、獨創性等向度皆顯著優於控制組;在圖形部份,實驗組的流暢性亦顯著高於控制組,但在變通性、獨創性與精進性則無。 三、在學習動機方面,實驗組在價值向度顯著優於控制組,在預期、情感、執行意志則無。 四、實驗組與控制組學期評量無顯著差異。 五、根據實驗組學生填寫課程活動回饋表,可看出多數學生在於遊戲化班級經營有正向感受,能改善行為舉止、提高學習態度、有助部份成績進步與學習動機提升。   最後,研究者依據研究結果,提出對日後進行遊戲化融入班經營之未來研究方向以及實務工作之建議,以供參考。
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of class management with gaming on creativity and academic performance of elementary school students. We evaluated the differences between the two groups of students in terms of their creative tendency and performance, learning motivation, academic achievements. We propose a quasi-experimental design on an 11-week class management with gaming of fourth grade elementary schoolchildren. The study consists of an experimental group of 44 people with gaming class management, and a control group of 42 people with traditional class management. The evaluation tools include Creativity Assessment Packet, New Tests of Creative Thinking, Learning Motivation Scale for Primary and Junior High School Students, and Academic Evaluations. In addition, we have also included subjective reviews such as teachers’ evaluations and observations as well as students’ feedbacks. After Analysis of Covariance, our result is as follows: 1.In terms of creative tendency, the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group in areas such as adventure, curiosity, imagination, and challenge. 2.In the language section of New Tests of Creative Thinking, the experimental group performed better than the control group in the categories of fluency, flexibility. In the pattern portion of the test, the experimental group excels in the fluency category, but not for flexibility, originality, and elaboration. 3.For learning motivation, the experimental group performed significantly better in the value dimension, but not in anticipation, emotion, and willpower. 4.There are no significant differences in academic achievement between the experimental group and the control group. 5.Based on the student feedback of the experimental group, many students demonstrate a positive reaction to the gaming integrated class management, which not only improves their learning behavior and attitudes, but also benefits their grades and learning motivation. Finally, the proposed suggestions of integrating gaming into class management based on the results of the study are for reference only.



遊戲化, 創造力, 班級經營, 學習動機, 學習成就, Gaming, Creativity, Class Management, Learning Motivation, Academic Achievement

