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Department of Chinese, NTNU
Department of Chinese, NTNU
本文觀察唐傳奇的研究情況,發現大抵可以分為兩種主要的詮釋路徑,第一種是純粹以作品本身為主的研究,主要以小說分析方法進行者,本文名之為「文本分析派」,此派著重小說文本的美學分析;第二種是將作品與作者關連在一起,著重以歷史考證的方法進行作者的考察,關注作者的寫作背景,著重寫作主體的心理和意圖,並且認為唐傳奇具有某種寓意,而視小說中的人物、情節有現實中的影射對象者,本文稱這一派研究者為「索隱派」。 以〈鶯鶯傳〉為例,不少索隱派詮釋者認為傳奇主角張生實乃作者元稹,將〈鶯鶯傳〉視為元稹之自傳。本文將這一類詮釋者稱為「自傳派」。由於「自傳派」在方法上與「索隱派」是一致的,故可涵攝在「索隱派」之下。本文以〈鶯鶯傳〉自傳說為一具體對象,首先說明自傳派詮釋的由來,及其理論。其次再站在反自傳派的立場說明其理論。由此看出兩派各有其主張。雖然不少學者傾向認定張生為元稹自傳,不過這個說法並不是牢不可破的。由於唐傳奇的虛實相雜,故在解讀上會出現如此紛歧而無法定於一說的現象。本文嘗試說明造成傳奇詮釋紛歧的原因,也說明唐傳奇的研究其實和《紅樓夢》的詮釋一樣,足以形成一套「唐傳奇學」,成為學界繼續不斷進行詮釋和討論的議題。
The Tang Chuanqi, a genre of narrative tale and fiction, places a unique position in the history of Chinese Literature. Not only enjoyed among the ordinary readers, it has been also diversely interpreted by critics across time. Generally, the criticisms on Tang Chuanqi can be induced into two main methods. One of them is called “Textual Analysis” based on “New Criticism”, whose main effort only focused on the textual aesthetics itself, dealing little with the authors' writing process, background, intention and aim. The other is called “Index to the Hidden Meanings of the narrative fiction”, whose theorists devote themselves to the studies of authors' life, writing intention, social background Along with its morality. Meanwhile, they also find out the underlined allusions and implications the authors encoded in their works by comparing the similarities between characters in the Tang Chuanqi and the contemporaries in the authors' time. In this paper, I am going to concentrate on one of well-known Tang Chuanqi, Yingying Zhuan 鶯鶯傳authored by Yuan Zhen 元稹. Firstly, I will respectively introduce two methodological studies, “Autobiographical interpreter”(a branch of “Index to the Hidden Meanings of the narrative fiction”) and “Anti-autobiographical interpreter,” used in the interpretation of Yingying Zhuan. Additionally, I will challenge the thesis of “Autobiographical interpreter,” which argues that the character of Zhang sheng 張生 is the projection of its author. Then, I will elaborate on difference between the history research and literature study, and explain the reasons causing two interpretations in Yingying Zhuan. Finally, I will conclude that the fictionality and reality in the Yingying Zhuan are so complicated and not so easy to distinguish one another; thus we need more than careful theories and interpretations to analyze this literature work.
The Tang Chuanqi, a genre of narrative tale and fiction, places a unique position in the history of Chinese Literature. Not only enjoyed among the ordinary readers, it has been also diversely interpreted by critics across time. Generally, the criticisms on Tang Chuanqi can be induced into two main methods. One of them is called “Textual Analysis” based on “New Criticism”, whose main effort only focused on the textual aesthetics itself, dealing little with the authors' writing process, background, intention and aim. The other is called “Index to the Hidden Meanings of the narrative fiction”, whose theorists devote themselves to the studies of authors' life, writing intention, social background Along with its morality. Meanwhile, they also find out the underlined allusions and implications the authors encoded in their works by comparing the similarities between characters in the Tang Chuanqi and the contemporaries in the authors' time. In this paper, I am going to concentrate on one of well-known Tang Chuanqi, Yingying Zhuan 鶯鶯傳authored by Yuan Zhen 元稹. Firstly, I will respectively introduce two methodological studies, “Autobiographical interpreter”(a branch of “Index to the Hidden Meanings of the narrative fiction”) and “Anti-autobiographical interpreter,” used in the interpretation of Yingying Zhuan. Additionally, I will challenge the thesis of “Autobiographical interpreter,” which argues that the character of Zhang sheng 張生 is the projection of its author. Then, I will elaborate on difference between the history research and literature study, and explain the reasons causing two interpretations in Yingying Zhuan. Finally, I will conclude that the fictionality and reality in the Yingying Zhuan are so complicated and not so easy to distinguish one another; thus we need more than careful theories and interpretations to analyze this literature work.