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本文所要探討的是日治時期,自1919年學制確立後,臺籍學童有哪些升學管道?其中臺北市的升學樣貌為何?教育特色為何?又臺籍子弟完成初等教育後選擇島內「升學」的動機為何?其中是否有性別差異?或受到家族戰略、學歷主義等因素影響?並且在殖民政府對於臺灣本島人中等教育採取限制主義的背景下,加以臺籍初等教育畢業生的逐漸增加,至1930年代,中等教育機構嚴重不足,引起民間日臺籍人士的設校擴校運動,來自於民間的中等教育擴張運動,究竟為哪些人士參與?他們為何參與?又是如何運作,使設校遷校運動得以成功?最後,筆者嘗試解釋「升學」競爭及民間中等教育擴張運動蘊涵的意義,試著定位此等現象。 日治時期,日本政府引進近代教育並大力推動,新進教育的引進對於以儒學為主的臺灣漢人自是產生衝擊,本島人對於中等教育機構的訴求最早為1915年臺中一中的設立請願運動,為臺人自發地要求設立中等教育機關的先聲。臺北市作為政治、經濟與文教中心,臺籍市民對於近代教育的需求顯著地高,反應於初等教育機構密度及就學學童比率居本島之冠。1919年學制確立後,殖民政府開始設立更多中等教育機關,自1919年開始,市內臺籍子弟除留學外,也可選擇島內升學的管道;再從統計數據得知,歷年中學校、高等女學校、實業學校等臺籍學生報考者皆多於錄取者,其中以臺籍學生為主的臺北第二中學、臺北第三高等學校、臺北第一工業學校以及臺北市內私立中學校,報名升學考試學生漸漸增加,錄取名額卻幾乎沒有增長,逐漸形成「入學難」、「試驗煉獄」的升學競爭現象。 臺籍學童初等教育畢業後,選擇島內升學,可從兩個面相去探討:家族戰略、學歷主義,其中對於不同性別學童,學歷的意義也不同。男子升學多為個人出路,家族前途,例如謀求好工作或取得晉升社會領導階層的門票;女子則憑藉漂亮的學歷,獲得好歸宿。而在1930年代由民間人士發起的私立臺北國民中學校設校案,以及州立臺北第三高等女學校遷校擴校運動,兩次運動的成功,新中間層貢獻良多。最後,筆者依據諸多升學者的選擇動機與民間的中等教育擴張訴求,推論「升學」的背後,其實隱含了傳統「讀書—考科舉—得功名—社會地位」的晉升模式思維。對於新政權所制定的新規則,即近代教育成為新的篩選機制,臺人相當機敏的接受,並且面對中等教育資源的限縮,集結起來要求更多的教育資源。
The thesis is about the reason and motive children who finished elementary school apply for higher school in Taiwan after 1919 Japanese colonial government established school system. What kind of the schools did they choose to enter? What’s the image of students trying to enter secondary school in Taipei? What’s the feature of education in Taipei? Moreover, what caused them to choose? Did they affect by gender, family or diploma? Japanese colonial government’s policy is to limited Taiwanese people entering higher school. However, Taiwanese students graduated from elementary school more and more but the secondary schools were poor a few. In this background, local people asked for more educational resources. People in Taipei started high school expanding movement. What kind of these people did they support the movement? Why did they attend the movement? How did they make the goal? Finally, the researcher tries to explain the meaning of the entering higher school competition and high school expanding movement from local people, then make conclusion. In colonial period, Japanese government brought modern education and spread it. It went crush to Taiwanese Han people because they studied Confucian for imperial service examination. However, Taiwanese Han people asked for Taiwanese own secondary school on 1915. They submitted the petition asking the government to establish Taichung first high school and it worked. As a political, economic and cultural center, Taipei region had a high density of elementary school and the school enrollment was correspondingly high as well. Since 1919, Japanese government established school system and also built more secondary schools. Since then, citizens’ children could join the junior high school by test in Taiwan except went abroad for studying. By statistic, the applications for high school, girl’s high school and vocational high school were much more than admission quotas. There were terribly competitive tests at Taiwanese secondary school especially at Taipei Second High School, Taipei Third Girl’s High School, Taipei First Industrial School and private high schools. The applications became more and more every year while the admission quotas increased few. It caused difficulty for test and misery life for preparing test. Why did Taiwanese students study hard for secondary school test? The reasons are two: one is family strategy, another is credentialism. Gender is also influence. For example, male students joined tests for their future career or keep the family status;female students for their marriage. Men studied hard for better job or become social elite one day. Women who get girl’s high school credential will marriage well. Why could Taipei Citizen Private High School be established and Taipei Third Girl’s High School be moved and expanded? It has been attributed to new middle class. Finally, according to the students (who passed the tests) their autobiography or memoir and the request of secondary school expanding movement, it inferred thinking way of traditional promotion:“Study many years-Pass the imperial service examination-Get the scholarly honor-Given job in government and get wealth and reputation.” Taiwanese people were clever to accept new rule made by new authorities. To the authorities, modern education is the screening router; however to the colonial people, they thought it was the new chance to promote or keep their status. Even thought, the high school quotas were limited, children struggle to pass the test and become a high school student, and their parents got together and claimed for more education resources.



升學, 區域教育, 中等教育, 家族戰略, 學歷主義, 新中間層, entering higher school, local education, secondary education, family strategy, credentialism, new middle class

