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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
全球化過份強調其普世性,反而忽略了在地性的重要。這篇文章旨在論證在地主體性對全球文化與英語發展的建構性影響。論文分四部份:首先說明全球與在地的互 相辯證關係,並指出全球的在地化與在地的全球化促成文化雜化的事實。第二,以後殖嚴的角度來檢視新興英語的雜化本質,並以此解構標準英語的迷思。第三,探 討全球化下的英語教材與教法,論述在地性的文化主體對英語教學的改示。第四,回到臺灣的場域,探討全球英語教學的在地因應之道。
The current study on globalization has emphatically highlighted the homogeneous cultural forces of globality, and in one way or another has downplayed or ignored the participation f locality by presenting 1)how the dialectical relationship between globalization and localization has engendered global cultural hybridity; 2)how new "englishes" have emerged through the postcolonial appropriation of English; 3)how global English teaching and leaning should be reexamined through the cultural politics of locality and subjectivity in this ear of globalization.
The current study on globalization has emphatically highlighted the homogeneous cultural forces of globality, and in one way or another has downplayed or ignored the participation f locality by presenting 1)how the dialectical relationship between globalization and localization has engendered global cultural hybridity; 2)how new "englishes" have emerged through the postcolonial appropriation of English; 3)how global English teaching and leaning should be reexamined through the cultural politics of locality and subjectivity in this ear of globalization.