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透過社會企業改善社會問題,是目前各國政府發展要點之一。然針對社會企業餐廳 (Social Enterprise Restaurant, SER) 的探討相當有限,爰此,本研究採單一個案研究,擇定位於東部的SER啄木鳥的家casa+為研究場域,著重於其主要利益關係人的參與動機和社會價值創造。研究方法使用半結構訪談 (semi-structured interview)、參與觀察法 (participation observation) 蒐集資料,共訪談1位創業者、7位員工、25位顧客及3位合作夥伴,並在2018年11月至2019年8月進行5次參與觀察。採主題分析法 (thematic analysis)、開放式編碼和轉軸編碼進行分析,最後運用三角檢證、同儕和專家檢核確保研究的可信賴度 (trustworthiness)。研究結果顯示,SER創業者的創業動機為發現社會問題、追求永續經營、外力支持和個人信念驅動;SER員工工作動機為經濟需求、管理者領導風格、回饋家鄉、自我學習與成長和成就感;顧客消費動機為為品嘗美食、口碑推薦、觀光旅遊、支持店家理念、社交和體驗主題活動;SER合作夥伴的合作動機為平台銷售與推廣、嘗試不同職涯和地緣關係;SER的社會價值創造為陪伴偏鄉兒童、翻轉偏鄉青年生命、增進社區整體福祉和提升顧客幸福感。本研究結果可供政府、管理者及欲投入社會企業餐廳者做參考,並補足了現有社會企業文獻中較缺乏員工、合作夥伴視角和東部案例的缺口。
Nowadays, solving social problems through social enterprises is one of the key development priorities of many governments around the world. However, little research has paid attention to the social enterprise restaurant (SER) sector. In an attempt to fill this research gap, this study adopts a case study approach and selected Woodpecker Casa+ Restaurant in Hualien as a study to explore the motivations and social value creation of SER from key stakeholders’ perspectives. Semi-structured interview and participation observation were the main methods of collection. A total of one entrepreneur, seven employees, 25 customers and three partners were interviewed, and five participation observations were conducted between November 2018 and August 2019. Data collected were analyzed using thematic analysis, along with open coding and axial coding. Triangulation of method, triangulation of data, member checks prolonged engagement, intracoder agreement and intercoder agreement were used to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings. The findings reveal four key types of entrepreneurial motivations of SER, namely, solving social problems, pursuing sustainable development, external support, and personal belief. The motivations of SER employees included economic needs, leadership style of the entrepreneur, giving back to hometown, self-learning and growth, and a sense of accomplishment. The motivations of SER customers were to taste delicious food, word of mouth recomendations, sightseeing, supporting social goals of the restaurant, social interaction and experiencing themed events/activities. The main motivations of SER partners included selling and promoting products at the SER platform, trying different careers and geopolitical relationships. The social values created by the SER were to accompany children of remote areas, to reverse the life of the young people, to promote the overall well-being of the community, and to enhance the happiness of the customers. The findings are believed to provide practical insights for the government, managers and those who want to join SER, and contribute to a more holistic understanding of SER, particularly from a multiple-stakeholder perspective.
Nowadays, solving social problems through social enterprises is one of the key development priorities of many governments around the world. However, little research has paid attention to the social enterprise restaurant (SER) sector. In an attempt to fill this research gap, this study adopts a case study approach and selected Woodpecker Casa+ Restaurant in Hualien as a study to explore the motivations and social value creation of SER from key stakeholders’ perspectives. Semi-structured interview and participation observation were the main methods of collection. A total of one entrepreneur, seven employees, 25 customers and three partners were interviewed, and five participation observations were conducted between November 2018 and August 2019. Data collected were analyzed using thematic analysis, along with open coding and axial coding. Triangulation of method, triangulation of data, member checks prolonged engagement, intracoder agreement and intercoder agreement were used to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings. The findings reveal four key types of entrepreneurial motivations of SER, namely, solving social problems, pursuing sustainable development, external support, and personal belief. The motivations of SER employees included economic needs, leadership style of the entrepreneur, giving back to hometown, self-learning and growth, and a sense of accomplishment. The motivations of SER customers were to taste delicious food, word of mouth recomendations, sightseeing, supporting social goals of the restaurant, social interaction and experiencing themed events/activities. The main motivations of SER partners included selling and promoting products at the SER platform, trying different careers and geopolitical relationships. The social values created by the SER were to accompany children of remote areas, to reverse the life of the young people, to promote the overall well-being of the community, and to enhance the happiness of the customers. The findings are believed to provide practical insights for the government, managers and those who want to join SER, and contribute to a more holistic understanding of SER, particularly from a multiple-stakeholder perspective.
社會企業餐廳, 創業動機, 工作動機, 消費動機, 社會價值創造, social enterprise restaurant, social value creation, consumer motivation, work motivation, entrepreneurial motivation