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本研究動機是要喚起國人對急速增加的失能老人照顧者,對於他們所承受的壓力與其需求賦予重視、關懷和協助。照顧者的壓力源包含生理、心理、經濟、社會等方面。 照顧者的需求包含醫療照顧技巧和資訊蒐集之學習及照顧者本身的自我成長之學習以因應其照顧工作之壓力。 本研究採用質性研究之深度訪談法。以立意取樣方式收集六位個案,其中有四位女性兩位男性照顧者,進行深度訪談,以了解家庭照顧者的心路歷程。以其所受到的身心、經濟及社會等壓力與其因應方式及所產生的學習需求等為本研究之目的。 本研究結果-從照顧者的經歷中發現: 一、家庭照顧者之壓力源:訪談結果發現失能老人主要照顧者都會面對困境與壓力。其壓力來自生理、心理、經濟及社會等壓力,社會資源資訊不足等也都是壓力源。 二、照顧者壓力的因應方式:多數家庭照顧者面對壓力一段時間後都會型塑出自己的一套舒壓方式。有的嘗試透過宗教信仰轉念、釋懷或藉由手足、配偶、子女的愛與支持來平緩情緒和降低壓力。從研究中顯示也有的照顧者會找機去走路、游泳、騎車、聽音樂或睡覺或去大吃一頓來紓壓。 三、研究發現照顧者有學習的需求: 1.醫療常識和照顧技巧的學習 2.自我成長的學習;正面態度、心靈的成長等內在學習。 3.照顧者對社會及政府資源之學習與使用。 本研究建議: 一、對政府長照計畫及社會福利政策方面:加強宣導期服務內容、職場提供事親假、給予津貼或減免稅 二、社福和醫療單位方面:可提供醫療服務及教導、開發更多的據點、加強宣傳照顧課程 三、對照顧者及受照顧者之教育方面:納入正規教育系統國高中及大學各學習機構及成立家庭照顧者學習資源中心。
The purpose of this study is to draw the attention to realize and care the rapid increased caregivers for disabled elderly at home who bare the caring burden and stress and their needs as well. Value them, care about them and help them. Caregivers’ stresses included physically, mentally economically, socially stress. And their needs included improving caring skill, knowing social benefits information and self-development so to cope with the stresses. Plus people are not familiar with the resources of government long-term care plane and social welfare. The study is using qualitative research purposive sampling method and depth interviews with six caregivers, to understand the impact in family caregivers’ life, the way the way they cope with their stress and their learning needs through caring the disabled elderly. The results of this study indicated that family caregivers’ experiences include: 1. All the caregivers have to face some difficulties and stresses from physical, mental, economical and social problems. 2. Most of caregivers will have their own way of coping their stress after a period of caring time. Some try to change the way of negative thinking to positive thinking. Some reduce their stress through their family love support system. The study also reveals that some caregivers will take a walk, so swimming, ride the bike or go to sleep or even go eat to release their stress. 3. Caregivers will have learning needs: a. Caring skills and the related medical knowledge b. Self-development; spiritual enrichment and positive thinking. c. Learn to utilize the resources from the government long term care plane. This study suggests that: 1. The government’s long-term care plan and social welfare policies: Strengthen advocacy about the caring policies itself, working places offer elderly care during the working days. Giving allowances or lower taxes for caregivers. 2. Social welfare and health administrations: develop more branch offices to serve people. Make people that they offer medical care training class at different places. 3. Education for caregivers and elderly: Offer classes for how to be a good caregiver or how to be a cooperative elderly in high schools and colleges and adult school or the senior centers. Establish more learning centers for family caregivers.



失能老人, 主要照顧者, 壓力, 壓力因應, disabled elderly, main caregivers, stress, stress coping





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